In 1994, The Magic School Bus debuted on WGBS, the Gotham PBS station, the show was filmed in Walkerville which is 5 miles from Gotham City, the series became the most watched show in Gotham and soon a year after it debuted, It was then that rapper Coolio released a hardcore rap rendition of the show’s theme song in 1995. The single was so popular that people would sell Elvis autographs to get the money to buy more copies of it. Coolio was himself a fan of the show, stating, “I watch a lot of cartoons because I have kids. I actually watch more cartoons than movies. And The Magic School Bus is an excellent cartoon; a ray of hope in a hate-filled world. It brings tears to my eyes because it is so wonderful and beautiful, showing us that black students and white students truly can get along and be friends. The characters have so much emotion. The expressions are like… wow! And the lessons they teach are well… you need them.

That’s a wild story about Coolio and The Magic School Bus! It’s amazing how a kids’ show could have such a profound impact, even inspiring a hardcore rap remix. The idea of people trading Elvis autographs to get their hands on it is pretty hilarious. It really speaks to the cultural phenomenon the show became, especially if it resonated with someone like Coolio.

The show continued being popular; so popular in fact that they replaced the Fifa World Cup with a Magic School Bus marathon in 1996. The dreaded tale reached the PC with the release of The Magic School Bus: The Video Game, then another one was released for the Sega Genesis. When WGBS decided to let the series go into the stock market, the stock sold out in one second. People were getting rich on the MSB, it soon became it major success, Miss Frizzle became a billionare

Wow, replacing the FIFA World Cup with a Magic School Bus marathon? That’s some serious dedication to educational television! And a Sega Genesis game, too? It sounds like the show really exploded in popularity. The idea of it hitting the stock market and selling out in one second is absolutely bonkers. Miss Frizzle as a billionaire – now that’s a twist I didn’t see coming!

In summer 1997, the series was spun off into a theatrical film, The Magic School Bus Conquers the Globe, where Ms. Frizzle takes the students on a trip around the world to find her pet lizard Liz, the film became #1 in Gotham City, even Comm. Gordan gave Miss Frizzle and her class the key to the city, Batman and Robin were there help present the key

A theatrical film in 1997 where they travel the world to find Liz? That sounds like a pretty epic adventure for The Magic School Bus! And becoming number one in Gotham City, even with Commissioner Gordon and Batman involved? That’s some serious recognition. It sounds like Miss Frizzle and her class were local heroes!

The series ended in 1998 after Two Face kiddnapped them and melted them into stautes

Whoa, that’s a dark turn! I didn’t expect the story to end with Two-Face kidnapping Miss Frizzle and the class and turning them into statues. That’s a pretty dramatic and unsettling finale for The Magic School Bus. I guess even the most educational and wholesome shows aren’t safe from the villains of Gotham City!