Big Brother 26 has introduced an exciting new twist that’s set to shake up the game: the AI Instigator. This innovative feature combines the best elements of past twists like America’s Player and the Saboteur, with a modern, tech-savvy twist. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into what the AI Instigator is, how it works, and most importantly, how you can cast your vote to influence the game.

What is the AI Instigator?

The AI Instigator is a power granted to one houseguest, chosen by America, to stir up trouble and create “digital drama” in the Big Brother house. This twist was introduced by Ainsley, the season’s artificial intelligence entity, during a special Tuesday episode and further explained by host Julie Chen Moonves during a live eviction episode.

Key Features of the AI Instigator:

  1. America’s Choice: Viewers get to vote for which houseguest will receive this power.

  2. Digital Avatars: The chosen houseguest will use AI-generated avatars of other players to spread misinformation.

  3. Secret Power: The identity of the AI Instigator will be kept secret from other houseguests.

  4. Cash Prize: Depending on how well they use the power, America will have a second chance to vote and award the AI Instigator a cash prize between $5,000 and $20,000.

How Does the AI Instigator Work?

The AI Instigator’s primary goal is to create chaos and confusion in the Big Brother house. Here’s a breakdown of how this power operates:

  1. Avatar Selection: The AI Instigator can choose an avatar of any other current houseguest.

  2. Message Creation: They can craft messages to be delivered by these avatars, potentially revealing secrets, exposing alliances, or spreading false information.

  3. Target Selection: The AI Instigator decides which houseguest(s) will receive these messages.

  4. Delivery Method: The messages will be displayed using the same technology as Quinn’s deep fake HOH, where nominations came out of Angela’s mouth via a video avatar.

This power allows the AI Instigator to potentially expose personal information, secret alliances, final two deals, and create all sorts of mayhem without revealing their own identity.

Potential Strategies for the AI Instigator

The effectiveness of the AI Instigator will largely depend on how strategically they use this power. Here are some potential strategies they might employ:

  1. Misdirection: Use their own avatar to deliver false information, throwing suspicion off themselves.

  2. Alliance Exposure: Reveal real or fabricated alliances to create distrust among houseguests.

  3. Targeting Threats: Use the power to paint targets on strong players or those perceived as threats.

  4. Creating Paranoia: Spread general misinformation to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and paranoia.

  5. Protecting Allies: Use the power to deflect attention away from their real allies.

The Impact on the Game

The AI Instigator has the potential to significantly impact the game of Big Brother 26. Here’s how:

  1. Trust Issues: As houseguests become aware of the AI Instigator’s existence, they may become more paranoid and less trusting of information they receive.

  2. Strategy Shifts: Players may need to adapt their strategies, knowing that any information they share could potentially be used against them.

  3. Alliance Dynamics: Existing alliances could be tested or even broken due to the misinformation spread by the AI Instigator.

  4. Gameplay Evolution: The presence of the AI Instigator could lead to more cautious gameplay or, conversely, more aggressive moves as players try to navigate the uncertainty.

How to Vote for the AI Instigator

Now that you understand the power of the AI Instigator, here’s how you can cast your vote and potentially influence the game:

  1. Voting Period: Voting opened immediately after Julie Chen Moonves’s announcement and will run for a full week until Thursday, August 22nd at noon ET.

  2. Voting Method: Head to the official CBS website at to cast your votes.

  3. Vote Limits: You can cast up to 10 votes per day, but no more than 5 votes for a particular houseguest in each voting session.

  4. Account Requirement: You’ll need to log in with your email to make your votes count.

Voting Strategy Tips:

  • Consider voting for a houseguest who you think will use the power most effectively or create the most entertaining TV.

  • Think about which player might benefit most from this power in terms of their game strategy.

  • Keep in mind that the AI Instigator will need to keep their power a secret, so consider each houseguest’s ability to maintain confidentiality.

Potential Candidates for AI Instigator

As you consider who to vote for, here are some houseguests who might make particularly interesting AI Instigators:

  1. Joseph: A superfan who might have the strategic mind to use this power effectively.

  2. Angela: Already known for stirring up drama, she could take it to the next level with this power.

  3. Tucker: His boldness could lead to some audacious uses of the AI Instigator power.

  4. Quinn: Having already experienced a similar power with the Deep Fake HOH, he might have unique insights on how to use it.

  5. Brooklyn: Her strategic gameplay could make her a dark horse candidate for effective use of this power.

The Reveal and Cash Prize

The identity of the AI Instigator will be revealed on the Sunday, August 25th episode. This timing is crucial because:

  1. The power holder won’t be revealed until the edited CBS episode on Sunday.

  2. By this time, a significant amount of gameplay will have already occurred, including the Head of Household competition and potentially the Power of Veto competition.

  3. This delay between the end of voting and the reveal could potentially impact the game if the chosen AI Instigator is evicted before the power is announced.

After the AI Instigator has had their chance to create “digital drama,” America will have a second opportunity to vote. This time, viewers will decide how much of a cash prize (between $5,000 and $20,000) to award the AI Instigator based on how well they utilized their power.

Comparisons to Past Twists

The AI Instigator twist draws inspiration from several past Big Brother twists while adding its own unique, technology-driven spin:

  1. America’s Player (BB8): Eric Stein earned $40,000 for completing tasks assigned by viewers.

  2. Saboteur (BB12): A player was tasked with sabotaging other houseguests’ games.

  3. Team America (BB16): A secret three-person team completed missions for cash rewards.

While these past twists were entertaining, they often struggled with maintaining secrecy or providing a significant impact on the game. The AI Instigator, with its use of technology and focus on spreading misinformation, has the potential to overcome these challenges and provide a fresh, impactful twist to the Big Brother gameplay.

Potential Challenges and Considerations

While the AI Instigator twist is exciting, there are some potential challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Maintaining Secrecy: The chosen houseguest will need to be extremely careful not to reveal their power, unlike Quinn who shared information about his Deep Fake HOH power.

  2. Ethical Considerations: The ability to spread misinformation raises questions about the ethical implications of this twist.

  3. Viewer Perception: How viewers perceive the use of this power could impact the AI Instigator’s chances of winning the additional cash prize or even the game itself.

  4. Game Balance: There’s a possibility that this power could significantly advantage or disadvantage certain players, potentially impacting the overall fairness of the game.


The AI Instigator twist in Big Brother 26 represents an exciting evolution in the show’s gameplay. By combining elements of past twists with cutting-edge AI technology, it offers a unique opportunity for both players and viewers to engage with the game in new ways.

As a viewer, your vote for the AI Instigator is more than just a chance to support your favorite player – it’s an opportunity to potentially shape the course of the game. Consider each houseguest’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential strategies as you cast your votes.

Remember, you can vote up to 10 times per day at The voting period runs until Thursday, August 22nd at noon ET, so make your voice heard and be part of this groundbreaking twist in Big Brother history!

Whether the AI Instigator becomes a game-changing power or a dramatic flop, one thing is certain: it’s sure to add an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to an already thrilling season of Big Brother. So cast your votes, tune in, and get ready for some AI-powered drama in the Big Brother house!