AI Video Generator: Free Text-to-Video, AI Generated Video Maker

Generate your video



"Woman in trench coat, wearing an umbrella, walking down the street on a rainy city night"

Generated Video

This example showcases a 2-seconds 480 x 720 resolution video generated using the RealDream 14 checkpoint.


In just 5 seconds, create stunning videos effortlessly with our AI Video Generator. Generate short second clips with no waiting. Use prompts for longer, detailed videos, and enhance quality with upscaling and frame improvements. Incorporate facial features from photos and animate specific parts of an image. Create new videos based on poses from existing ones, like making a dance cover video with a specific face. Perfect for personalized content, our tool makes video creation simple.

Key Features

  • Rapid Video Creation: Generate stunning videos in just 5 seconds, and create short second clips with no waiting time.
  • Customization and Enhancement: Use text prompts for detailed videos, enhance quality through upscaling and frame improvements.
  • Advanced Video Manipulation: Incorporate facial features from photos, animate specific parts of an image, and create pose-based videos.
  • Time and Effort Savings: Simplified process for all users, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Creative Possibilities: Open up new avenues for creative expression and easily create personalized video content.

How to Use

  1. Enter your prompt: Describe the video you want to create in the text area.
  2. Select Checkpoint: Choose from available models, with "RealDream 14" as the default.
  3. Set Resolution: Choose from predefined options like 480x720, 720x480, etc.
  4. Adjust Video Length: Use the slider to set the desired length of your video.
  5. Generate Video: Click the "Create Your Video" button to start the generation process.

Advanced Settings

The following advanced settings are available in the Giz app for more detailed customization of your AI-generated videos:

  • Frames (FPS): Set to 16 FPS (Frames Per Second) by default. Adjust this value to control the smoothness of your video. Higher FPS results in smoother motion but may increase generation time.
  • Context overlap: Currently set to 0. This setting determines how much information from previous frames is used when generating new frames. Increasing this value can improve consistency between frames but may slow down generation.
  • Dynamic: Set to 1.2 by default. This controls the level of movement and change in your video. Higher values result in more dynamic videos, while lower values produce calmer, more static results.
  • Seed: Enter a numerical value for reproducibility. Using the same seed with identical settings will generate the same video, allowing you to recreate specific results.
  • Prompt adherence: Toggle this setting on or off to control how closely the generated video follows your text prompt. Higher adherence may result in more accurate representations of your description.
  • Upscale: Enable this option to enhance the quality of your generated video. Upscaling can improve resolution and detail but may increase processing time.
  • Interpolate frames: Toggle this setting for smoother transitions between frames. Frame interpolation can create a more fluid video by generating intermediate frames.
  • Repeat: Set to 1 by default. Increase this value to create a looping effect in your video. For example, setting it to 2 will make the video play twice before stopping.
  • Face Image: Upload an image to incorporate specific facial features into your generated video. This allows for personalization and can be used to create videos featuring particular individuals or characters.

These advanced settings provide fine-grained control over your AI-generated videos, allowing you to create highly customized and unique content tailored to your specific needs.

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