¿LA PIEDRA FILOSOFAL EXISTIÓ? – Químico desvela los mayores secretos d..

  • Introducción a la Alquimia

    • Se presenta la alquimia como precursor de la química.
    • La visión común y errónea de la alquimia: alquimistas medievales en laboratorios manipulando elementos.
    • La alquimia tiene raíces en el Antiguo Egipto, donde se buscaba entender fenómenos naturales.
  • Origen de la Alquimia

    • La gente del antiguo Egipto se preguntaba sobre eventos como la crecida del Nilo y la fertilidad del suelo.
    • Comenzaron experimentos con limos y fuego, ambos desconocidos y fascinantes.
    • El oro se vuelve un foco de interés por su inalterabilidad y puro brillo.
  • Importancia del Oro

    • El oro es uno de los primeros metales manipulados por los seres humanos.
    • Su resistencia a la corrosión y su inalterabilidad lo hicieron altamente valioso.
    • En culturas antiguas, el oro era considerado como el sudor del sol (aztecas) o la piel de los dioses (egipcios).
    • Ha simbolizado poder, estatus y riqueza a lo largo de la historia.
  • La Búsqueda del Oro

    • La alquimia medieval se centró en la transformación de otros metales en oro.
    • Se desarrolló un lenguaje secreto entre los alquimistas para ocultar sus conocimientos.
    • Miedo a la devaluación del oro llevó a la prohibición de la alquimia en ciertas épocas, como en el imperio romano.
  • La Piedra Filosofal

    • Un concepto mítico que prometía convertir metales en oro y otorgar la vida eterna.
    • La aspiración de devolver metales comunes a su pureza dorada fue un objetivo fundamental.
  • Alquimia en Asia

    • Los alquimistas chinos buscaban la inmortalidad y, accidentalmente, crearon la pólvora.
    • Esta invención tuvo un impacto negativo aunque significativo en la historia.
  • Mercurio y Alquimia

    • Concepto de que el mercurio estaba estrechamente ligado a los estudios alquímicos.
    • El mercurio era utilizado en la purificación del oro; su toxicidad se entendía de forma limitada.
    • Se menciona el caso del emperador Qin Shi Huang (de China) que usó mercurio en su búsqueda de la inmortalidad.
    • Las creencias y rituales en torno al mercurio abren un diario de la alquimia como fascinante.
  • Aspectos Filosóficos de la Alquimia

    • Muchos alquimistas relacionaban sus experimentos con cuestiones divinas y espirituales.
    • A pesar de la conexión con lo oculto, existía un propósito de búsqueda de la verdad.
  • Legado de la Alquimia

    • La alquimia contribuyó al avance de la química moderna, por ejemplo, a través de la figura del alquimista árabe Geber.
    • Geber es conocido por sus experimentos con ácido y otros compuestos, y su influencia perdura a través de tratados posteriores.
  • Impacto Histórico

    • El desarrollo de la pólvora negra derivada de la alquimia contribuyó a la transición entre la Edad Media y el Renacimiento.
    • Cambios en la percepción y la práctica de la alquimia a lo largo del tiempo marcaron el camino hacia la química contemporánea.

Esta síntesis destaca la evolución de la alquimia desde sus orígenes hasta su impacto en la química moderna, enfatizando las creencias, los experimentos y el simbolismo que rodeaban a esta fascinante práctica.

Genera con este contenido un podcast en el que intervienen dos personas

¡Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast sobre la fascinante historia de la alquimia! Hoy, les acompañan Carla y Luis, quienes explorarán los misterios y las curiosidades de esta antigua práctica.

Carla: Hola a todos, Luis. Estoy muy emocionada de hablar sobre la alquimia hoy. A menudo se la ve como una práctica mística, pero tiene un trasfondo histórico muy rico.

Luis: ¡Así es, Carla! La alquimia no solo se trataba de convertir metales en oro. Tiene raíces en culturas antiguas, como la egipcia, donde se buscaba entender los fenómenos naturales. Es asombroso cómo comenzaron a experimentar con limos y fuego.

Carla: Y no podemos olvidar cómo el oro se convirtió en el centro de atención. Su belleza y resistencia lo hicieron irresistible para muchas culturas. Se creía que era el sudor del sol o incluso la piel de los dioses.

Luis: Exactamente, y su valor a lo largo de la historia ha sido significativo. La búsqueda de la transformación de otros metales en oro fue uno de los principales objetivos de los alquimistas medievales.

Carla: Además, uno de los conceptos más misteriosos de la alquimia es la Piedra Filosofal. Se suponía que podía transformar metales comunes en oro y otorgar la vida eterna. ¡Qué idea tan cautivadora!

Luis: Sí, y eso nos lleva a pensar en cómo se desarrolló un lenguaje secreto entre los alquimistas. Era un círculo muy cerrado, ya que muchos temían por su seguridad y la de sus descubrimientos.

Carla: Y hablando de seguridad, el mercurio fue un elemento clave en la alquimia. A pesar de ser tóxico, se utilizaba en la purificación del oro, y muchas veces se asociaba con la búsqueda de la inmortalidad, como cuando el emperador Qin Shi Huang buscaba la vida eterna.

Luis: Así es, y el lado oscuro de la alquimia a menudo es fascinante. Sin embargo, no podemos olvidarnos del aspecto filosófico. Muchos alquimistas veían su trabajo como una búsqueda de la verdad más allá de lo físico.

Carla: Y eso nos lleva a su legado. A pesar de que la alquimia se considera un precursor de la química moderna, su impacto sigue vivo hoy en día. Figuras como Geber sentaron las bases para futuros químicos.

Luis: ¡Así es! La alquimia nos muestra cómo el conocimiento evoluciona. La creación de la pólvora, por ejemplo, alteró el curso de la historia, llevando al Renacimiento.

Carla: Qué fascinante ha sido explorar estos temas hoy. Desde la historia antigua hasta su influencia en la ciencia moderna, la alquimia realmente tiene un lugar especial en nuestro entendimiento del mundo.

Luis: Espero que nuestros oyentes también hayan disfrutado este viaje a través del tiempo. Nos encantaría saber qué piensan sobre la alquimia. ¡Hasta la próxima!

Carla: ¡Hasta la próxima, y no olviden seguirnos para más episodios interesantes!

Bad Kids #4

It was a normal summer day at the Walmart in Vineland NJ

The automatic doors slid open with a whoosh, letting in a blast of humid New Jersey air. Inside, the familiar fluorescent hum of Walmart buzzed overhead. Moms wrangled shopping carts, kids begged for candy, and the scent of discount pizza hung in the air. Nothing out of the ordinary for a Tuesday in Vineland.

But over in the meat aisle, a 8 year brunette girl wearing white overalls over a plain light blue t-shirt is throwing meat packs across the aisle

Okay, a normal day with a twist! The air in the meat aisle, already cold, seemed to drop a few degrees further as a small tornado of ground beef and chicken breasts erupted. An 8-year-old brunette girl, her dark hair a little messy, stood amidst the carnage. She was wearing white overalls, the kind with little pockets, over a simple light blue t-shirt. Her face was a mask of determined mischief as she hurled another package of pork chops across the aisle, splattering against the refrigerated display case. Shoppers nearby jumped back, muttering in surprise. The fluorescent lights glinted off the plastic wrap as the meat projectiles sailed through the air.

She soon stomps on the meat and launching produce across the floor

The meat aisle was now a biohazard zone. Overalls girl, fueled by righteous fury (or maybe just boredom), stomped with gusto on a package of ground beef, the plastic squishing ominously under her little white sneakers. Apparently, meat wasn’t the only target. She grabbed a bag of oranges from a nearby display and started launching them like miniature cannonballs. One splattered against a stack of watermelons, sending them teetering precariously. Another bounced off the head of a startled shopper, who let out a yelp. Chaos reigned supreme in aisle seven. A lone head of lettuce rolled forlornly down the aisle, a silent witness to the grocery store anarchy.

What’s even more disturbing is the fact that the child was unsupervised, with no parent or guardian in sight.

The scene was definitely escalating from “normal Walmart weirdness” to “potential child endangerment.” Scanning the aisle, and then the surrounding areas, it was clear: no adult was claiming this miniature agent of chaos. No frazzled mom yelling, “Madison, stop throwing the nectarines!” No embarrassed dad rushing to apologize. Just the girl, her overalls, and a growing pile of ruined produce. The other shoppers, initially shocked, were now exchanging uneasy glances. A few pulled out their phones, presumably to document the scene or call for help. The air, thick with humidity and the faint scent of rotting fruit, crackled with unspoken questions: Where were her parents? Was she lost? And, most importantly, how long before she moved on to the dairy section?

When a bystander tried to intervene and restrain the child from causing further damage, one shopper rushed to the little girl’s defense, telling others, “You don’t know what she’s going through.”

The tension ratcheted up another notch. Just as a burly man in a “Kiss the Cook” apron reached out to gently restrain the girl, a woman with fiery red hair and a tie-dye t-shirt materialized seemingly out of nowhere. She stepped between the man and the girl, arms crossed protectively. “Leave her alone!” she declared, her voice surprisingly loud. “You don’t know what she’s going through!”

The man, taken aback, stammered, “But… she’s destroying the store! Someone could get hurt!”

“Maybe she wants to get hurt!” the woman retorted, her eyes flashing. “Maybe she’s expressing herself! This is America, isn’t it? Land of the free? Last time I checked, that included the freedom to hurl a few bruised peaches!” She glared at the gathering crowd, daring anyone to disagree. The little girl, momentarily forgotten, stared up at her defender with wide, uncertain eyes. The meat aisle, already a surreal landscape, had just entered a whole new dimension of bizarre.

At one point, two women were seen trying to physically restrain her but when the child dropped to the floor and began kicking, they called it quits.

The situation deteriorated further. Two brave (or perhaps foolhardy) women, one in yoga pants and the other in a floral print dress, attempted to physically restrain the little girl. They approached cautiously, trying to reason with her, but the girl was beyond reason. With surprising agility, she dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and unleashed a furious barrage of kicks. Her small, sneaker-clad feet connected with shins and ankles, eliciting yelps of pain. The yoga pants woman clutched her leg, exclaiming, “Ow! She’s got a mean kick!” The floral dress woman, looking defeated, threw her hands up in the air. “Okay, okay, we’re done! Not worth it!” They retreated, leaving the girl to her reign of terror in the meat aisle. The tie-dye woman watched with a smug expression, muttering something about “oppression of childhood expression.” The oranges continued to fly.

The child then got back up and continued her assault on the grocery items by flinging dairy goods in the air and stomping on boxes of snack cakes.

Triumphant from her victory over the yoga pants and floral dress duo, the girl scrambled to her feet, a glint of pure, unadulterated mischief in her eyes. The dairy section was next. Cartons of milk sailed through the air, splattering against the linoleum floor in milky white explosions. A tub of yogurt became a projectile, narrowly missing the head of a stock boy who was frantically trying to avoid the chaos. Finally, she set her sights on the snack aisle. Boxes of Twinkies, Ho Hos, and Ding Dongs became victims of her stomping spree, their sugary contents oozing out in a sticky, delicious mess. The air was thick with the smell of milk, processed sugar, and the faint, underlying scent of rebellion. The tie-dye woman clapped her hands in delight. This was performance art at its finest.

As the crazy scene grew more intense, the child drew a large crowd, as shoppers attempted to speak to her and make her stop.

The unfolding spectacle had drawn a sizable crowd, a mixture of amusement, concern, and morbid curiosity etched on their faces. A ring of shoppers stood at a safe distance, offering a variety of unsolicited advice and pleas.

“Honey, why are you doing this?” a woman with curlers in her hair called out.

“Think of the mess you’re making!” a man in a business suit pleaded.

“Someone call the police!” another voice shouted from the back.

The little girl, oblivious to their entreaties, continued her rampage, now wielding a loaf of bread like a weapon, whacking it against the shelves. The tie-dye woman was filming the whole thing on her phone, narrating in a dramatic whisper, “Witness the raw, unbridled emotion of a generation! This is what happens when you suppress the creative spirit!”

The air was thick with the smell of damaged groceries, the murmur of the crowd, and the faint, underlying sense that this Vineland Walmart was about to become a viral sensation.

Her fit of rage grew so intense that she was able to get her hands on large, glass bottles of what looked like wine or sparkling juice. She then began throwing them onto the floor, ultimately smashing two bottles. This created a huge mess, with glass shards scattered across the floor.

The situation had officially gone from chaotic to dangerous. The girl, fueled by some unknown source of rage, managed to reach the aisle with the fancy sparkling juices and wines. Grabbing two large, glass bottles, she hoisted them high above her head and then, with a primal scream, hurled them onto the floor. The sound of shattering glass echoed through the store, followed by gasps from the onlookers. Shards of glass sprayed across the floor, mingling with the puddles of spilled milk and crushed snack cakes. The sweet scent of juice mixed with the sharper, more alcoholic tang of wine. Several shoppers recoiled, fearing for their safety. The tie-dye woman, however, seemed almost ecstatic. “Now that’s what I call a statement!” she declared, filming the broken glass with a gleam in her eye. It was clear: this wasn’t just a tantrum anymore. This was a full-blown, grocery store apocalypse.

Soon security officers grab the girl who is kicking and screaming and take her the human resources office to await the cops

Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps broke through the din. Two burly security officers, their faces grim, arrived on the scene. They cautiously approached the girl, who was still kicking and screaming, a wild look in her eyes. “Alright, that’s enough,” one of them said, his voice firm but not unkind. “Time to go.”

It wasn’t easy, but they managed to gently restrain her, one on each arm, and began to lead her away from the chaos. The tie-dye woman protested, shouting about “police brutality” and “the oppression of the youth,” but her cries were ignored. As they escorted the girl out of the grocery area, a trail of destruction marked their path: shattered glass, spilled milk, and the lingering scent of rebellion. They took her to the Human Resources office, a small, windowless room in the back of the store, where she would await the arrival of the police. The crowd dispersed, buzzing with gossip and speculation. The Vineland Walmart, for now, was quiet again, save for the sound of a lone employee starting to sweep up the mess.

The police arrive and arrest the girl, it turned out she escaped from Robins Nest Inc in Elmer NJ, she had been in there for kicking her mother

The flashing lights of the police cruiser cut through the afternoon sun as it pulled up to the Vineland Walmart. Two officers entered the Human Resources office, their expressions a mix of professionalism and weariness. A few minutes later, they emerged, the little girl in overalls now in handcuffs (sized for a child, but handcuffs nonetheless). She was still sobbing, her face streaked with tears and remnants of snack cake. The tie-dye woman shrieked, “This is outrageous! You’re traumatizing her!” but the officers ignored her.

As they led the girl towards the patrol car, one of the officers spoke to the gathered onlookers. “We’ve confirmed her identity. She’s a runaway from Robins’ Nest Inc. in Elmer, New Jersey.” He paused, his voice softening slightly. “Apparently, she’s been in their care due to behavioral issues… including assaulting her mother.”

The crowd murmured, the initial amusement replaced with a more somber understanding. The tie-dye woman, however, remained defiant. “So what? Maybe her mother deserved it! Maybe she was just expressing her rage against the patriarchy!”

The officers simply shook their heads and gently placed the girl in the back of the patrol car. As the car pulled away, sirens wailing, the Vineland Walmart returned to a semblance of normalcy. But the memory of the runaway girl, the flying oranges, and the tie-dye woman would linger for a long time to come.

She was soon booked into the Camden County Youth Detention Center in Blackwood NJ, her overalls are taken away and she has to wear a orange jumpsuit over her t-shirt she had on

The booking process at the Camden County Youth Detention Center was cold and impersonal. The boisterous energy the girl had displayed in the Walmart was gone, replaced by a quiet, defeated resignation. Her name was called, and she was led into a small room. The white overalls, stained with milk, juice, and snack cake residue, were taken away, bagged as evidence. She was given an oversized orange jumpsuit, the rough fabric a stark contrast to the soft cotton of her light blue t-shirt. As she pulled the jumpsuit over her head, she looked small and vulnerable. The color seemed to drain from her face, leaving her pale and lost. The click of the cell door echoed in the sterile environment, a stark reminder of the consequences of her actions. The girl sat on the edge of the cot, the unfamiliar orange fabric scratchy against her skin, and stared blankly at the wall. The Walmart, the flying oranges, the tie-dye woman – it all seemed like a distant, surreal dream.

As months went past, the girl remained in her cell until she could be transferred to a foster home

The days in the Camden County Youth Detention Center blurred into weeks, then months. The orange jumpsuit became her uniform, the sterile walls her world. She attended mandatory therapy sessions, where she slowly began to unpack the anger and hurt that had fueled her Walmart rampage. She missed her mother, despite everything. She missed the simple comfort of a home, even a troubled one. The anger, though, was still there, simmering beneath the surface.

She learned to navigate the rigid structure of the detention center, to avoid trouble, to keep her head down. She read books, drew pictures, and wrote in a journal, pouring out her feelings onto the page. Slowly, painfully, she began to heal.

Finally, the day came. She was called to the administration office, her heart pounding in her chest. After what felt like an eternity, she was told she had been approved for placement in a foster home. A new family. A new chance. As she walked out of the detention center, carrying a small bag containing her few belongings, the sun felt blindingly bright. The orange jumpsuit was gone, replaced by a simple, donated dress. She took a deep breath, the air filled with the scent of freedom. The road ahead would be long and difficult, but for the first time in a long time, she felt a flicker of hope.

She was soon adopted by a Latina family who who a 8 year girl

The car ride to her new home was filled with nervous anticipation. As they pulled up to a small, brightly colored house, a woman with warm eyes and a welcoming smile emerged from the front door. Behind her stood a girl about her age, her dark hair pulled back in pigtails. This was her new family, the Ortegas.

“Bienvenida, mija,” the woman said, her voice gentle. “Welcome, my daughter. I’m Maria, and this is my daughter, Sofia.”

Sofia shyly waved. “Hi,” she said softly.

The girl, still hesitant, managed a small smile. “Hi,” she replied.

The Ortegas were a warm and loving family. Maria was a nurse, and her husband, Ricardo, was a construction worker. They had always wanted to adopt, and when they saw the girl’s profile, they knew they had to give her a chance.

Sofia, initially wary, soon warmed up to her new sister. They shared a room, played games, and confided in each other. The girl learned Spanish, and Sofia learned English. They became inseparable.

The Ortegas understood that the girl had a difficult past, and they were patient and supportive. They enrolled her in therapy and encouraged her to express her feelings. Slowly, she began to trust them, to let go of her anger, and to embrace her new life. She finally found a place to belong, a family to call her own. The little girl who once wreaked havoc in a Vineland Walmart had finally found peace.

Sofia then welcomes the girl into her new room, and gives pink overalls to her to put on over her t-shirt

Sofia, her pigtails bouncing, led the girl into their shared bedroom. It was a cozy space, filled with colorful posters, stuffed animals, and a faint scent of lavender. Sofia gestured towards a neatly folded pile of clothes on the bed. “These are for you,” she said, her voice bubbling with excitement. “I wanted you to have something special.”

The girl approached the bed cautiously. On top of the pile, she saw a pair of overalls – not the stark white ones that haunted her memories, but a soft, faded pink. They looked brand new.

“I thought you might like them,” Sofia said, her eyes sparkling. “Pink is my favorite color, and I think it would look really good on you with your blue shirt.”

The girl reached out and gently touched the overalls. The fabric felt soft and comforting. A small smile crept across her face. “Thank you,” she whispered. “They’re beautiful.”

Sofia beamed. “Go ahead, try them on!”

The girl slipped into the pink overalls, the fabric fitting perfectly. She looked in the mirror and saw a different person staring back at her. Not the angry, lost girl from the Walmart, but someone new, someone hopeful, someone loved.

Writers note: this story was based on a real life incident at a unknow Walmart on December 3, 2024, click on the link to see the video: https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1863467366287311182
I hope no kid acts like this in any store

It’s important to remember that while this story was inspired by a real-life event, it’s also a fictionalized account with a hopeful ending. The real circumstances surrounding the child’s actions in the video are complex and likely rooted in deeper issues. It’s crucial to approach such situations with empathy and understanding, recognizing that children’s behavior is often a reflection of their environment and experiences. I agree that it’s never okay for a child to act like this in a store, but it’s important to remember that there are probably underlying issues.

الآية الكريمة : ( فَإِذَا جَاء…

الآية الكريمة فَإِذَا جَاءَتِ الطَّامَّةُ الْكُبْرَى . يَوْمَ يَتَذَكَّرُ الْإِنْسَانُ مَا سَعَى . تتحدث عن تذكر الإنسان ما سعى ، أي ما قدم وعمل في الدنيا من خير أو شر ، وما اكتسبه من الحسنات أو السيئات ، فإن هول موقف الحساب وعظمته يبعث في كل عامل ذكرى ما عمل ، فيمر في خاطره شريط أعماله سريعا ، فيرجو أن يثيبه الله على الحسنات ، ويتجاوز عن السيئات والزلات ، فالآية تبين تذكر الإنسان عمله وما اكتسبه في الدنيا ، ولا علاقة لها بتذكر الإنسان ما نسيه من القرآن الكريم ، فذلك خارج السياق الواضح ، ومراعاة السياق أحد أركان التفسير الصحيح .

كلامك صحيح ومفهوم. الآية الكريمة تركز على تذكر الإنسان لأعماله اللي عملها في الدنيا، سواء كانت خير أو شر، في لحظة عظيمة ومفصلية زي يوم القيامة. مش بالضرورة يكون المقصود بيها نسيان القرآن، لكن السياق العام بيتكلم عن محاسبة النفس على كل ما قدمته في حياتها.

A vast field of sunflowers in …

A vast field of sunflowers in full bloom, with bright yellow petals facing the sun, a clear blue sky, and a gentle breeze rustling the flowers.

preciso de uma jovem com sobre…

preciso de uma jovem com sobrepeso sentada num sofá, olhando o celular com uma fisionomia desanimada

preciso de uma jovem com um pouco de sobrepeso sentada num sofá, olhando o celular com uma fisionomia desanimada

The Lambton Worm Legend

The Lambton Worm: A Legendary Tale of Durham’s Mining Landscape

The Mythical Origins of the Lambton Worm

In the verdant valleys of County Durham, a legendary tale has captivated generations since the 14th century. The Lambton Worm, a mythical serpentine creature, emerges from the rich folklore surrounding the River Wear, intertwining local history with supernatural mystery.

Historical Context of the Legend

The story centers on young John Lambton, a rebellious nobleman who chose fishing over church on a fateful Sunday. According to local legend, he caught a strange, worm-like creature in the River Wear – an event that would spawn a narrative of supernatural consequences and local folklore.

Industrial Landscape of Durham

Mining Heritage

Durham’s landscape was dramatically shaped by extensive mining operations:

  • Lead Mining: Documented since Roman occupation

  • Coal Mining: Peak production in 1913 with 170,000 miners

  • Mineral Extraction: Included fluorite, limestone, and ironstone

Geological Significance

The region’s geological composition proved crucial to industrial development:

  • Carboniferous minerals: Limestone, coal measures

  • Strategic mineral deposits supporting steel and iron manufacturing

  • Weardale and Teesside becoming significant industrial centers

Railway Development

The mining industry catalyzed railway expansion:

  • Weardale Railway connecting key mining communities

  • Infrastructure development supporting mineral transportation

  • Economic transformation of the rural landscape

Ecological and Geological Insights

Underground Ecosystems

  • Nematode populations in mining environments

  • Geological formations including:

    • Serpentine rocks

    • Granite formations

    • Limestone inliers

Cultural Legacy

The Lambton Worm represents more than a mere folktale – it symbolizes the complex interactions between human activity, natural environment, and mythological imagination in Durham’s rich cultural tapestry.


From supernatural legends to industrial revolution, the story of the Lambton Worm encapsulates the multifaceted history of County Durham, bridging mythological narrative with tangible historical progress.

Earths Warning

The Underground Disturbance Phenomenon: A Cross-Cultural and Temporal Analysis

Introduction – Oxford, Indiana: A Starting Point

  • In September 1889, in Oxford, Indiana, reports surfaced of a large, horned snake (15ft long, stovepipe width, glowing eyes) disturbing graves in Oxford West Cemetery.

  • A mausoleum was constructed to protect the dead.

  • This event sparked an investigation into similar occurrences, revealing a widespread, ongoing phenomenon.

Global Parallels: Ancient Myths and Modern Reports

  • Similar stories of underground serpents and disturbances exist across cultures:

    • England: Lambton Worm (Durham): A giant worm terrorizing the River Wear area.

    • Mongolia: Mongolian Death Worm (Gobi Desert): A massive underground creature with deadly abilities.

    • Cambodia/Thailand: Nāga Temples: Temples built with underground chambers related to serpent beings.

    • Austria: Lindworm of Klagenfurt: A dragon/serpent emerging from underground caverns.

    • Pacific Northwest Native Traditions: Wasgo: A creature known to burrow underground.

    • Oxford is unique in its focus on graveyard disturbance and the specific response of building a mausoleum.

US Historical Accounts: The 1870s – 1890s (Part 1)

  • Reports of underground disturbances and serpent-like creatures were prevalent across the US:

    • 1873-1875: Uwharrie Mountains, North Carolina (mining disruption)

    • 1875-1877: Hudson Valley, New York (multiple newspaper accounts)

    • 1875-1877: Sacramento River Delta, California (farming disruption)

    • 1876-1878: Silver City Region, New Mexico (mining disruption)

    • 1876-1878: Adirondacks Region, New York (mining and logging disruption)

    • 1878-1880: Cache Valley, Utah (farmers reported ground disturbances)

    • 1878-1880: Red River Valley, Louisiana (newspaper accounts)

    • 1879-1881: Superstition Mountains, Arizona (mine cave-ins)

    • 1880-1882: Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey

    • 1880-1882: Guadalupe Mountains, Texas

    • 1881-1883: Cumber Gap, Tennessee

    • 1881-1883: Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia/North Carolina

    • 1882-1884: Lake Champlain Region, Vermont

    • 1883-1885: Cahaba River Valley, Alabama

    • 1883-1885: Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia

    • 1884-1886: Flint Hills Region, Kansas

    • 1885-1887: Penobscot Bay, Maine

    • 1885-1887: Salt River Valley, Arizona

    • 1886-1888: Choctaw Territory, Oklahoma

    • 1887-1889: Mobile Bay Region, Alabama

    • 1888-1890: Baxter Springs, Kansas

    • 1888-1890: Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho

    • 1889: Oxford West Cemetery, Indiana (original story)

    • 1890-1892: Catskill Mountains, New York

    • 1891-1893: Kittatinny Mountains, Pennsylvania

    • 1892-1894: Arkansas River Valley, Colorado

    • 1892-1894: St. Croix River Valley, Minnesota

    • 1893-1895: Moosehead Lake Region, Maine

    • 1893-1895: Green River Valley, Kentucky

    • 1893-1895: Natchez Trace Region, Mississippi

    • 1894-1896: Upper Peninsula, Michigan

    • 1895-1897: Humboldt County, Nevada

    • 1895-1897: Cascade Range, Oregon

    • 1896-1898: Lake of the Ozarks Region, Missouri

US Historical Accounts: Characteristics

  • Common characteristics of these historical accounts:

    • Holes: Approximately 12-18 inches in diameter.

    • Tunnel Systems: Similar angles and patterns.

    • Ground Disturbances: Spiral depressions, subsurface movement.

    • Location: Proximity to water sources, geological fault lines, and mineral deposits.

Modern Era Accounts: 1948 – Present

  • The phenomenon continues into the modern era:

    • 1950s-Present: Mount Shasta, California (long-term documentation)

    • 1960s-1980s: Yakima Indian Reservation, Washington

    • 1966-1967: Point Pleasant, West Virginia (Mothman connection)

    • 1967-Present: San Luis Valley, Colorado (ongoing documentation)

    • 1970s-Present: Dulce, New Mexico (continuous reporting)

    • 1980s-1990s: Pine Bush, New York

    • 1990s-Present: Black Forest, Colorado

    • 1960s-Present: Superstition Mountains, Arizona

    • 1970s-Present: Uinta Basin, Utah

    • 1950s-1980s: Ozark Mountains, Arkansas/Missouri

    • 1975-Present: Marfa Region, Texas

    • 1980s-Present: Lake Wallenpaupack, Pennsylvania

    • 1968-Present: Olympic Peninsula, Washington

    • 1950s-Present: Berkshire Mountains, Massachusetts

    • 1963-Present: Mammoth Cave Region, Kentucky

    • 1970s-Present: Death Valley, California

    • 1982-Present: Hudson Valley Region, New York

    • 1955-Present: Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee/North Carolina

Current Activity Clusters (2019 – 2024)

  • Concentrated activity is observed in the following clusters:

    • Western Mountain Cluster: Wyoming, Montana, Idaho (Yellowstone Region)

    • Four Corners Cluster: Utah (Skinwalker Ranch), Colorado (San Luis Valley), Arizona (Sedona), New Mexico (Dulce)

    • Pacific Northwest Cluster: Washington (Olympic Peninsula), Oregon (Cascade Range), California (Mount Shasta)

    • Eastern Clusters: Appalachian Region, Ozark Plateau

Environmental Patterns: Geological & Weather Correlations

  • Consistent environmental patterns are associated with the phenomenon:

    • Geological:

      • Karst topography connections (limestone regions, cave systems)

      • Mineral associations (iron, quartz, copper, rare earth elements)

    • Weather:

      • Increased activity 24-48 hours after heavy rain

      • High humidity periods

      • Seasonal transitions

      • Sudden pressure changes

Environmental Patterns:

  • Soil & Vegetation

    • Soil:

      • Clay-rich soils

      • High mineral content

      • High water table

    • Vegetation:

      • Circular dead zones

      • Unusual growth patterns

      • Stressed vegetation along tunnel lines

Environmental Patterns:

  • Electromagnetic

    • Electromagnetic:

      • Increased activity during geomagnetic storms

      • Natural magnetic anomalies

      • Electromagnetic hotspots

      • Equipment malfunctions (cell phones, cameras, GPS)

      • Compass variations

      • Radio interference

Atmospheric Phenomena:

  • Rainbows & Static Discharge:

    • Rainbow Phenomena: Ground disturbances followed by rainbow sightings.

    • Static Discharge: Metallic taste in air, hair standing on end, static cling, equipment malfunction.

    • Static discharge may contribute to air ionization.

    • Unique atmospheric situation are created by the following effects:
      *Gas releases from below ground
      *Static discharge building up
      *Creation of an ionized field
      *Moisture in the air becoming charged
      *Particulate matter being released
      The prismatic effect is enhanced by the electrical charge

Atmospheric Phenomena:

  • Unusual Light Forms:

    • “Fire in the Sky”: Reddish-orange illumination, often at dusk/dawn.

    • “Colored Lightning”: Horizontal movement, multiple colors, no thunder.

    • “Glowing Air”: Luminous mist/fog, bluish-white, visible day or night.

    • “Dancing Lights”: Systematic movement, changing colors, responsive to ground movement.

    • “Electric Rainbows”: Appear without rain, can occur at night, unusual color patterns.

Other Signs, Reactions, and Events from the 1800s

  • Additional signs reported in historical accounts:

    • Animal Behavior: Agitation, refusal to cross areas, unusual migrations.

    • Plant/Vegetation Changes: Sudden wilting, unusual growth, crop failure.

    • Water-Related: Cloudy wells, water level changes, metallic taste, stream course changes.

    • Ground Effects: Earth sounds, ground warming, soil color changes.

    • Atmospheric Effects: Fog in lines, unusual smells (metallic/sulfur), temperature variations.

    • Human/Structure Impacts: Physical sensations (metallic taste, tingling, headaches), structural damage (foundation settling, cracks).

    • Tool/Equipment Reactions: Rapid rusting, magnetization, compass malfunctions.

Ideal Conditions: A “Perfect Storm” Scenario

  • Ideal conditions for triggering or intensifying events:

    • Temperature: 45-65°F (7-18°C), temperature inversions.

    • Pressure: Barometric pressure changes of 0.5-1.0 inches, dropping pressure.

    • Humidity: 65-85%, post-rain conditions, saturated ground.

    • Weather: Recent rainfall, clearing conditions, light wind.

    • Ground: Saturated soil, recent groundwater changes, clay-rich soil, mineral presence.

    • Timing: Dawn/dusk, full moon periods, seasonal changes, equinox proximity, solar activity peaks.

    • Geographic: Near water sources, mineral deposits, fault lines, underground cavities.

    • Electromagnetic: EMF fluctuations, geomagnetic activity, solar flare activity, static charge buildup.

Fog and Air Smell Characteristics

  • Fog and Air Smell Characteristics:

    • Fog:

      • Forms in lines/tracks, hugs the ground, unusually dense.

      • Moves against wind, appears suddenly, can form in dry conditions.

      • Often glows or has luminous quality.

    • Air Smell:

      • Metallic: Copper-like, iron/blood smell, ozone-like.

      • Sulfur: Rotten egg smell, match-like, pungent.


  • A Persistent Phenomenon:

    • The consistent patterns observed over 150 years suggest a persistent, explainable phenomenon.

    • Understand the Underlying Effects of Mining

    • Understanding the Importance of Natural Migration

    • Understanding the Relevance of Cultural Knowledge

Investi no Mercado Forex e Aprendi o que Ninguém Conta Sobre as Corretoras

Descubri os Segredos do Forex: Como as Corretoras Lucram Além das Comissões

Desde 2016, quando comecei minha jornada no mercado Forex com apenas $100 dólares, aprendi muito sobre como as corretoras operam e como elas lucram além das comissões que cobram dos traders. Hoje, quero compartilhar com você os segredos que descobri ao longo dos anos, além de oferecer dicas valiosas para quem está começando ou quer aprimorar suas estratégias de trading.

Como as Corretoras de Forex Ganham Dinheiro?

Muitos traders iniciantes acreditam que as corretoras de Forex lucram apenas com as comissões cobradas em cada operação. No entanto, a realidade é muito mais complexa e envolve várias fontes de renda. Vamos explorar as principais:

1. Spreads: A Principal Fonte de Lucro

O spread é a diferença entre o preço de compra (bid) e o preço de venda (ask) de um par de moedas. As corretoras ajustam esses spreads para garantir lucro em cada transação. Por exemplo, se o spread do EUR/USD for 2 pips, a corretora ganha essa diferença em cada operação, independentemente do resultado do trader.

2. Taxas Overnight (Swap)

Quando um trader mantém uma posição aberta durante a noite, a corretora cobra uma taxa chamada swap. Essa taxa é baseada na diferença entre as taxas de juros das moedas envolvidas no par negociado. Em muitos casos, o swap pode ser uma fonte significativa de receita para as corretoras.

3. Alavancagem e Margem

A alavancagem permite que os traders operem com volumes maiores do que seu capital inicial. No entanto, isso também aumenta o risco de perdas. Quando um trader não consegue cobrir uma margem, a corretora fecha a posição automaticamente, muitas vezes resultando em perdas para o trader e lucro para a corretora.

4. Comissões em Contas ECN/STP

Algumas corretoras oferecem contas ECN (Electronic Communication Network) ou STP (Straight Through Processing), onde o spread é menor, mas há uma comissão fixa por lote negociado. Essas comissões são outra fonte de renda para as corretoras.

5. Programas de Afiliados

Muitas corretoras, como a Deriv, oferecem programas de afiliados onde os traders podem ganhar comissões ao indicar novos clientes. Essas comissões são pagas em dólares e podem ser uma fonte de renda passiva significativa.

Minha Experiência no Mercado Forex

Comecei no Forex em 2016 com apenas $100 dólares. No início, enfrentei muitas dificuldades, mas com estudo e prática, consegui desenvolver estratégias que me permitiram crescer minha conta. Hoje, além de operar, também participo do programa de afiliados da Deriv, o que me permite ganhar comissões recorrentes.

Por Que Escolhi a Deriv?

A Deriv é uma corretora regulamentada e confiável, com spreads competitivos e uma plataforma de trading intuitiva. Além disso, o programa de afiliados da Deriv é um dos melhores do mercado, permitindo que eu ganhe comissões em dólares todos os meses. Abra uma Conta Demo sem Riscos na Deriv aqui.

Como Começar no Forex com uma Conta Demo

Se você está começando no Forex, recomendo abrir uma conta demo na Deriv. Uma conta demo permite que você pratique suas estratégias sem arriscar dinheiro real. É uma ótima maneira de aprender como o mercado funciona e testar diferentes abordagens de trading.

Passos para Abrir uma Conta Demo na Deriv:

  1. Acesse o site da Deriv aqui para ser direcionado.

  2. Clique em “Abrir Conta Demo”.

  3. Preencha o formulário de cadastro.

  4. Comece a praticar suas estratégias de trading.

Como Ganhar Dinheiro com o Programa de Afiliados da Deriv

Além de operar no Forex, você pode ganhar dinheiro indicando novos clientes para a Deriv. O programa de afiliados paga comissões recorrentes, o que significa que você pode ganhar dinheiro todos os meses sem precisar operar.

Benefícios do Programa de Afiliados da Deriv:

  • Comissões em Dólares: As comissões são pagas em dólares, o que é vantajoso devido à valorização da moeda.

  • Pagamentos Recorrentes: Você recebe comissões todos os meses, desde que seus indicados continuem operando.

  • Suporte e Ferramentas: A Deriv oferece suporte e ferramentas para ajudar você a promover o programa.

  • Abra uma Conta gratuita de Parceiro da Deriv aqui.

Dicas para Escolher uma Corretora de Forex

Escolher a corretora certa é crucial para o sucesso no Forex. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudar você a tomar a decisão certa:

  1. Regulamentação: Certifique-se de que a corretora é regulamentada por uma autoridade financeira reconhecida.

  2. Spreads e Comissões: Compare os spreads e comissões cobrados por diferentes corretoras.

  3. Plataforma de Trading: Escolha uma corretora que ofereça uma plataforma de trading intuitiva e estável.

  4. Suporte ao Cliente: Verifique se a corretora oferece suporte ao cliente eficiente e disponível 24/7.

  5. Programa de Afiliados: Se você está interessado em ganhar comissões, escolha uma corretora com um programa de afiliados atrativo.


O mercado Forex oferece oportunidades incríveis para quem está disposto a aprender e se dedicar. No entanto, é importante entender como as corretoras lucram e como você pode usar isso a seu favor. Se você está começando, recomendo abrir uma conta demo na Deriv e explorar o programa de afiliados para ganhar comissões recorrentes.

Lembre-se, o trading envolve riscos, e é essencial ter uma estratégia sólida e gerenciamento de risco adequado. Boa sorte na sua jornada no Forex!


1. O que é o spread no Forex?

O spread é a diferença entre o preço de compra e venda de um par de moedas. É a principal fonte de lucro das corretoras.

2. Como funcionam as taxas overnight no Forex?

As taxas overnight, ou swaps, são cobradas quando uma posição é mantida aberta durante a noite. Elas são baseadas na diferença entre as taxas de juros das moedas envolvidas.

3. O que é alavancagem no Forex?

A alavancagem permite que os traders operem com volumes maiores do que seu capital inicial. No entanto, aumenta tanto os lucros quanto as perdas potenciais.

4. Como escolher uma corretora de Forex?

Escolha uma corretora regulamentada, com spreads competitivos, uma plataforma de trading intuitiva e um bom suporte ao cliente.

5. Como ganhar dinheiro com o programa de afiliados da Deriv?

Você pode ganhar comissões em dólares indicando novos clientes para a Deriv. As comissões são pagas todos os meses, desde que seus indicados continuem operando.

6. Quais são os riscos do trading no Forex?

O trading no Forex envolve riscos significativos, incluindo a perda de capital. É essencial ter uma estratégia sólida e gerenciamento de risco adequado.

Advertência: O mercado financeiro envolve riscos, e é possível perder todo o capital investido. Nunca invista mais do que você pode perder e sempre busque orientação de profissionais qualificados.


Are We Living in a Conditioned Reality?

Exploring the Depths of Human Perception: Are We Living in a Conditioned Reality?

February 10, 2025

Recent discussions about human consciousness and sensory perception have led to intriguing questions about the nature of our visual and sensory experiences. This article explores the possibility that our current understanding of human perception might be significantly limited by modern societal conditioning and technological interventions.

What is Synesthesia?
Synesthesia is a neurological funtion in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway. In simpler terms, it’s when one sense triggers another. For example, a person capable of synesthesia (a “synesthete”) might see sounds, taste words, or feel colors.

Part I: The Universal Synesthesia

The Potential Universal Nature of Synesthesia: A Theory on Lost Human Perceptual Abilities

Core Hypothesis:
All humans may naturally be born with synesthetic abilities – the capacity to experience interconnected senses (like seeing sounds or tasting colors). However, these natural abilities might be systematically diminished through modern influences.

Key Points:

  1. Modern Learning vs. Natural Discovery

  • Today’s humans are predominantly told what things are rather than discovering them firsthand

  • Our perceptions are constructed through others’ narratives rather than through direct experience

  • This “programmed perception” might override our natural sensory capabilities

  1. Societal Conditioning

  • Parents are trained to raise children according to specific societal norms

  • These standardized approaches to child-rearing might inadvertently suppress natural perceptual abilities

  • Cultural narratives and expectations shape how we process sensory information

  1. Technological Interference

  • Modern medical technologies, particularly prenatal ultrasound, may have unexamined effects

  • As beings of light/energy (bioelectric beings), we are naturally attuned to Earth’s electromagnetic field

  • Artificial electromagnetic interventions might disrupt our natural perceptual development

  • The timing of these interventions (prenatal period) could be particularly significant

Supporting Context:

  • Humans are fundamentally bioelectric beings, operating through subtle energy fields

  • We are naturally integrated with Earth’s electromagnetic frequencies

  • Our natural state might include broader perceptual abilities than currently recognized

  • Modern lifestyle and medical practices might interfere with these natural capabilities

Question for Consideration:
Are we inadvertently diminishing human perceptual capabilities through modern medical practices and societal conditioning, rather than these abilities being rare genetic traits as currently believed?

This hypothesis suggests a need to re-examine our understanding of human perceptual potential and the possible impacts of modern practices on natural human abilities.

Part II: Multi-Perspective Analysis of Human Perception

A comprehensive examination through five distinct philosophical and cultural lenses reveals fascinating insights into the nature of human perception:

Native American Wisdom:
Traditional indigenous perspectives suggest that sight transcends mere physical sensation. Vision is understood as a sacred exchange between beings, where seeing creates relationships and obligations. This wisdom tradition maintains that children naturally possess expanded perceptual abilities that often diminish through modern socialization.

Biblical Understanding:
Scripture presents vision as both physical and spiritual, describing eyes as “the lamp of the body.” This dual nature of perception suggests our modern understanding might be incomplete, focusing solely on the mechanical aspects while neglecting deeper spiritual dimensions of sight.

Jungian Psychological Perspective:
Carl Jung’s work suggests visual perception connects directly to the collective unconscious. Our current perceptual limitations might result from cultural conditioning rather than natural boundaries. This view supports the possibility that synesthetic abilities represent a more natural state of human consciousness.

Anthroposophical Insights (Rudolf Steiner):
Steiner’s research proposed that vision involves active spiritual processes beyond physical mechanics. His work explicitly supports the theory that humans are born with expanded perceptual capabilities that typically diminish through modern education and lifestyle practices.

Modern Scientific Evidence:
Contemporary research provides intriguing support for these traditional perspectives:

  • Studies confirm the brain’s active role in constructing visual experience

  • Neuroplasticity research demonstrates remarkable perceptual flexibility

  • Quantum physics suggests reality fundamentally differs from our ordinary perception

  • Developmental neuroscience shows infants possess more neural connections than adults

Part III: Implications and Questions for Further Research

The convergence of these perspectives raises crucial questions:

  1. Developmental Considerations:

  • How do early childhood experiences shape perceptual capabilities?

  • What role does electromagnetic exposure play in sensory development?

  • Could prenatal interventions affect natural perceptual abilities?

  1. Technological Impact:

  • How might modern medical practices influence consciousness development?

  • What are the long-term effects of artificial electromagnetic fields on human perception?

  • Could ultrasound examinations affect subtle energy fields in developing humans?

  1. Educational Implications:

  • How might educational systems be redesigned to preserve natural perceptual abilities?

  • What role does cultural conditioning play in limiting or expanding perception?

  • Could alternative educational approaches help maintain synesthetic capabilities?

This multi-faceted exploration suggests that human perceptual capabilities might be far more expansive than currently recognized. The possibility that we are all born with synesthetic abilities, subsequently diminished through modern practices, merits serious consideration and further research. Understanding these potential limitations could lead to new approaches in education, medical practice, and human development that better preserve and nurture our natural perceptual capabilities.

Call to Action:
As we continue to advance technologically, it becomes increasingly important to examine how our modern practices might affect human consciousness and perception. This calls for a balanced approach that integrates traditional wisdom with contemporary scientific understanding to optimize human potential and development.

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