A serene morning in a dense fo…

A serene morning in a dense forest, with golden sunlight filtering through the tall trees, creating a magical interplay of light and shadows on the forest floor.

Create a video of travel destinations that people would like to visit

Travel destinations and exotic locations

Exotic landscapes

Paris, Rome, Venice, New Zeland, Airplanes, Cruise ships

How do you control the undead?

How do you control the undead?

Controlar os mortos-vivos envolve a prática de feitiços e rituais específicos que permitem invocar e comandar suas almas. Geralmente, utiliza-se energia mágica ou rituais de necromancia, que podem incluir:

  1. Rituais de Invocação: Criar um círculo de proteção e utilizar itens como crânios ou ossos para canalizar a energia.

  2. Conjuração de Feitiços: Utilizar palavras de poder e gestos para dar vida aos mortos, fazendo com que obedeçam suas ordens.

  3. Domínio Mental: Estabelecer uma conexão com a mente dos mortos-vivos, forçando-os a seguir suas instruções.

  4. Oferendas e Sacrifícios: Em alguns casos, agradar as entidades que governam os mortos com oferendas pode fortalecer seu controle.

Se precisar de mais detalhes sobre alguma dessas práticas, avise-me.

como controlar?

Para controlar os mortos-vivos, siga estes passos:

  1. Preparação do Espaço: Escolha um local adequado, preferencialmente um cemitério ou um lugar carregado de energia negativa. Crie um círculo de proteção com sal ou velas.

  2. Materiais Necessários: Utilize itens simbólicos, como crânios, ossos ou outros artefatos que representem a morte.

  3. Conjuração de Feitiços: Aprenda feitiços específicos de necromancia. A recitação de palavras de poder é essencial. Tenha um grimório ou livro de feitiços.

  4. Conexão Espiritual: Medite para se conectar com as energias do além. Isso pode incluir invocações a deidades ou entidades relacionadas à morte.

  5. Domínio: Uma vez que os mortos-vivos sejam trazidos de volta, use comandos claros e firmes. Mostre confiança e autoridade para garantir que eles obedeçam.

  6. Manutenção do Controle: Esteja sempre vigilante, pois a energia dos mortos pode ser instável. Reforce seu domínio regularmente.

Se precisar de orientações sobre feitiços específicos ou rituais, posso ajudar.



Noticias sobre Colombia

Fecha: 19 de noviembre de 2024, 10:00 AM GMT
Resumen ejecutivo: En las últimas horas, Colombia ha sido protagonista de importantes eventos políticos y económicos, así como de avances sociales significativos. El presidente Gustavo Petro ha cambiado su postura respecto a las elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela, llamándolas un “error”. Además, el país está apresurándose para asegurar fondos climáticos de Estados Unidos, mientras que el crecimiento económico ha sido inferior a las expectativas. También se han registrado logros en iniciativas de turismo comunitario y una reciente prohibición del matrimonio infantil.

Política y Economía

El presidente de Colombia, aliado de Maduro, califica la elección presidencial disputada de Venezuela como un “error”

El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro ha cambiado su apoyo hacia la elección presidencial de julio en Venezuela, considerándola un “error”. Este giro se produce en un contexto donde la política exterior de Colombia es crucial en la región.
ABC News (hace 9 minutos), Washington Post (hace 14 minutos)

Colombia necesita un recorte presupuestario de $12,7 mil millones para cumplir con el objetivo fiscal

Un comité de expertos ha señalado que Colombia debe reducir su gasto presupuestario en 56 billones de pesos para cumplir con su regla fiscal este año. Esta situación refleja la presión económica que enfrenta el país ante un entorno fiscal complicado.
Reuters (hace 5 horas)

Colombia corre para asegurar fondos climáticos de EE.UU. pero tiene a China como respaldo

El gobierno colombiano está acelerando las negociaciones para obtener fondos de una inversión climática de $40 mil millones de EE.UU., ante la incertidumbre política en el país norteamericano. Este movimiento refleja la importancia de la inversión extranjera para el desarrollo ambiental de Colombia.
Bloomberg (hace 10 horas), Financial Post (hace 10 horas)

La economía colombiana creció 2.0% interanual en el tercer trimestre, por debajo de las expectativas

La economía colombiana registró un crecimiento del 2.0% en comparación con el año anterior, mientras que las expectativas del mercado apuntaban a un crecimiento del 2.3%. Este desempeño económico ha generado preocupación en el gobierno sobre las políticas económicas actuales.
Reuters (hace 1 día)

La fiscalidad de Colombia y sus desafíos en un contexto de recortes

Un análisis revela que Colombia enfrenta múltiples desafíos fiscales que requieren ajustes significativos para cumplir con sus obligaciones económicas. Estos problemas reflejan la necesidad de una revisión profunda de las políticas fiscales del país.
Devdiscourse (hace 6 horas)

Sociedad y Cultura

Colombia prohíbe el matrimonio infantil tras haber permitido uniones desde los 14 años

El gobierno de Colombia ha votado a favor de prohibir el matrimonio infantil, que anteriormente permitía uniones a partir de los 14 años. Esta decisión es un paso importante hacia la protección de los derechos de los niños y la promoción de la igualdad de género.
Newsweek (hace 23 horas)

Proyectos de turismo comunitario de Colombia reconocidos por la ONU

La ONU ha premiado a los proyectos de turismo comunitario en Colombia que han demostrado ser innovadores y sostenibles. Estos programas no solo fomentan el desarrollo económico local, sino que también promueven la conservación del medio ambiente.
Business Wire (hace 2 horas)

Nueva especie de araña descubierta en Colombia

Investigadores han encontrado una nueva especie de araña con un colorido trasero azul intenso en la hojarasca del centro de Colombia. Este descubrimiento resalta la rica biodiversidad del país y la importancia de la conservación.
Miami Herald (hace 22 horas)

Supervivientes del conflicto colombiano se convierten en héroes forestales

Un grupo de supervivientes del conflicto armado en Colombia se ha unido para luchar contra la deforestación, convirtiéndose en líderes en la búsqueda de soluciones al cambio climático. Este movimiento destaca el papel activo de las comunidades en la conservación del medio ambiente.
UN News (hace 2 días)

Iniciativas culturales en Cleveland rinden homenaje a Colombia

Los Jardines Culturales de Cleveland han dedicado un nuevo jardín a Colombia, celebrando su rica herencia cultural en un proyecto que ha tomado seis años en completarse.
Cleveland.com (hace 1 día)


Colombia se prepara para el partido de clasificación al Mundial contra Ecuador

Colombia está lista para enfrentarse a Ecuador en un crucial partido de clasificación para el Mundial de 2026. El equipo busca reivindicarse tras una reciente derrota y espera contar con el apoyo de su afición.
TechRadar (hace 5 horas)

La controversia sobre la “lesión crónica” de James Rodríguez

Se ha generado controversia en Colombia respecto a la supuesta “lesión crónica” del mediocampista James Rodríguez, quien podría no participar en el partido contra Ecuador. La situación ha generado críticas tanto de los aficionados como de los medios.
FootBoom (hace 7 horas)

Colombia y Ecuador: Un enfrentamiento de clasificación esperado

El enfrentamiento entre Colombia y Ecuador promete ser emocionante, con ambos equipos luchando por un lugar en el Mundial. Los aficionados están ansiosos por ver cómo se desarrollará este importante encuentro.
Diario AS (hace 20 horas)

Néstor Lorenzo envía un mensaje claro a los jugadores de Colombia

El entrenador de la selección colombiana, Néstor Lorenzo, ha sido contundente en sus críticas tras la derrota ante Uruguay, instando a los jugadores a mejorar su desempeño en el próximo partido contra Ecuador.
FootBoom (hace 6 horas)

Colombia necesita ajustar su estrategia para el próximo partido

En el contexto de su camino hacia el Mundial, Colombia está revisando sus tácticas y alineaciones para el encuentro ante Ecuador, buscando corregir los errores del pasado.
Pro Soccer Wire (hace 22 horas)

Este resumen de noticias refleja la actualidad de Colombia en términos políticos, económicos, sociales y deportivos, destacando la importancia de cada uno de estos aspectos en el contexto nacional e internacional.

una hermosa mujer se enamora d…

una hermosa mujer se enamora de un joven

Te contaré una historia romántica sobre este encuentro amoroso:

En una tarde de primavera en París, cerca del Jardín de las Tullerías, una hermosa joven llamada Sophie caminaba distraídamente entre las flores. Fue entonces cuando sus ojos se encontraron con los de Pierre, un carismático artista callejero que dibujaba retratos. El momento pareció detenerse mientras sus miradas se entrelazaban, marcando el inicio de una historia de amor digna de una novela romántica.

Sophie, intrigada por el talento y la sonrisa cautivadora de Pierre, se acercó tímidamente a su caballete. Él, inspirado por su belleza, le ofreció hacerle un retrato. Mientras dibujaba, conversaron durante horas, descubriendo que compartían sueños y pasiones similares.

Sophie acepta que Pierre le haga un retrato y pasan una tarde mágica juntos

La tarde transcurre como un sueño mientras Pierre dibuja cuidadosamente cada detalle del rostro de Sophie. El jardín de las Tullerías sirve como el escenario perfecto, con la suave luz del atardecer parisino creando un ambiente romántico. Sophie siente mariposas en el estómago cada vez que Pierre levanta la mirada de su cuaderno para estudiar sus facciones. El tiempo parece detenerse mientras comparten miradas y sonrisas tímidas.

Sophie se acerca a ver el retrato terminado

Sophie queda maravillada con el talento de Pierre y lo abraza emocionada

Pierre le pide a Sophie que sea su musa permanente

Sophie duda por un momento pero su corazón le dice que sí

Sophie pide tiempo para pensarlo mejor

Pierre respeta su decisión y le da espacio para pensar

Create a high-quality, profess…

Create a high-quality, professional poster design that effectively communicates the given message. The design should be visually striking, well-balanced, and suitable for the specified purpose. Include the following elements:.
Poster Type: Educational.
Main Text/Title: Vikramshila University: A Legacy of Knowledge and Innovation.
Subtext/Additional Information: Ancient University: Vikramshila:


Vikramshila University: A Legacy of Knowledge and Innovation

  1. Introduction

Established by: King Dharmapala (8th–9th century CE) during the Pala Dynasty.

Location: Present-day Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.

Purpose: Center for advanced Buddhist learning and studies, complementing Nalanda.

  1. Historical Significance

One of the two most important centers of Buddhist learning in ancient India.

Attracted scholars from across Asia.

Known for its rigorous curriculum and focus on logic, philosophy, grammar, and tantric studies.

  1. Architecture and Development

Structured as a fortified monastery with multiple temples, stupas, and lecture halls.

Hosted a vibrant intellectual community with debates, lectures, and scholarly discourse.

  1. Role in Development of Technology

Early advancements in education systems with structured syllabi and examinations.

Focused on logic and science, contributing to the global body of knowledge.

  1. Impact on Society

Influenced Buddhist culture and philosophy across Asia, especially in Tibet and Southeast Asia.

Contributed to the development of monastic education systems that shaped societal structures.

  1. Present Status

Archaeological remains discovered in Antichak, Bhagalpur.

Recognized as a UNESCO heritage site candidate.

Efforts underway for conservation and awareness of its historical importance.

  1. Implications for Modern Society

Represents the rich educational legacy of India.

Inspires the modern education system by emphasizing interdisciplinary learning.

Encourages global collaboration in education and research.

Visual Elements

  1. Images:

Map of ancient India highlighting Vikramshila.

Architectural ruins.

Artistic depictions of scholars and activities at the university.

  1. Graphics:

Timeline of its establishment and decline.

Infographics comparing Vikramshila’s contribution to modern institutions.

  1. Design:

Use vibrant colors and motifs inspired by ancient Indian art.


“Vikramshila University symbolizes an enduring spirit of innovation, scholarship, and cultural exchange, leaving an indelible mark on humanity’s intellectual progress.”

This layout combines historical facts, visuals, and modern relevance for an engaging and informative poster. Let me know if you’d like to refine or customize further!

Main Image Subject: Ancient University : Vikramshila.
Color Scheme: Neutral.
Background Style: Solid Color.
Font Style: Display.
Text Hierarchy: Standard.
Composition Style: Symmetrical.
Focus Point: Rule of Thirds.
Overall Style: Geometric.
Mood: Inspirational.
Additional Elements:
Ensure all text is clearly legible and the overall design adheres to professional standards and best practices in graphic design.

JSON Plan for Responding to ‘Решение’


Для решения данной задачи, сначала определим, что нужно найти формулу общего члена заданных рядов.

  1. Для первого ряда:

[ a_n = 1 + \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{4}} + \ldots ]

Общий член этого ряда можно записать как:

[ a_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} ]

  1. Для второго ряда:

[ b_n = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{4} + \frac{1}{8} + \frac{1}{16} + \ldots ]

Этот ряд является геометрической прогрессией с первым членом ( \frac{1}{2} ) и знаменателем ( \frac{1}{2} ). Общий член можно записать как:

[ b_n = \frac{1}{2^n} ]

Таким образом, формулы общего члена для заданных рядов следующие:

  1. ( a_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} )
  2. ( b_n = \frac{1}{2^n} )


Давайте рассмотрим третий ряд:

1 + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{6} + \frac{1}{24} + \frac{1}{120} + \ldots

Каждый из членов этого ряда представляет собой обратные значения факториалов:

  • ( 1 = \frac{1}{0!} )
  • ( \frac{1}{2} = \frac{1}{1!} )
  • ( \frac{1}{6} = \frac{1}{3!} )
  • ( \frac{1}{24} = \frac{1}{4!} )
  • ( \frac{1}{120} = \frac{1}{5!} )

Таким образом, общий член ряда можно записать как:


где ( n ) — это порядковый номер члена ряда, начиная с 0.

Этот ряд является разложением экспоненты:

e = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n!}

Таким образом, сумма данного ряда равна ( e ) (число Эйлера), которое примерно равно 2.71828.


Чтобы вычислить площадь фигуры, ограниченной линиями ( y = x + 1 ), ( y = 0 ), ( x = 0 ) и ( x = 2 ), необходимо выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Найти точки пересечения линий:

    • Уравнение ( y = x + 1 ) пересекает ось ( y ) в точке ( (0, 1) ) и ось ( x ) в точке ( (-1, 0) ). Однако, нас интересуют только значения ( x = 0 ) и ( x = 2 ).
  2. Определить границы интегрирования:

    • Мы рассматриваем область от ( x = 0 ) до ( x = 2 ).
  3. Записать определённый интеграл для нахождения площади:

    • Площадь под кривой от ( x = 0 ) до ( x = 2 ) будет равна:
      S = \int_{0}^{2} (x + 1) , dx
  4. Вычислить интеграл:

    • Интегрируем:
      S = \int_{0}^{2} (x + 1) , dx = \left[ \frac{x^2}{2} + x \right]_{0}^{2} = \left( \frac{2^2}{2} + 2 \right) – \left( \frac{0^2}{2} + 0 \right)
      = \left( \frac{4}{2} + 2 \right) – 0 = 2 + 2 = 4

Таким образом, площадь фигуры, ограниченной указанными линиями, равна ( 4 ) квадратных единиц.

A barefooted long-straight hai…

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight short-sleeved white buttoned shirt.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat orange striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The wide pants are floor-length and long.
The anime girl is wearing an orange and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The back of a barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight short-sleeved white buttoned shirt.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat orange striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The wide pants are floor-length and long.
The anime girl is wearing an orange and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight short-sleeved white buttoned shirt.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat orange striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The wide pants are floor-length and long.
The anime girl is wearing an orange and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight short-sleeved white buttoned shirt.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The wide pants are floor-length and long.
The anime girl is wearing an blue and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a feminine slender forearm-length white buttoned blouse. The length of the sleeves of the feminine white buttoned blouse is forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat orange striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing straight and still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and long.

The anime girl is wearing an orange and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a feminine slender forearm-length white buttoned blouse. The length of the sleeves of the feminine white buttoned blouse is forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat purple striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing straight and still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and long.

The anime girl is wearing an purple and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

The side of a barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a feminine slender forearm-length white buttoned blouse. The length of the sleeves of the feminine white buttoned blouse is forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat sky-blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing straight and still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and long.

The anime girl is wearing an sky-blue and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a feminine slender forearm-length white buttoned blouse. The length of the sleeves of the feminine white buttoned blouse is forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat sky-blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing straight and still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and long.

The anime girl is wearing an sky-blue and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length long red wide pants that are extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a feminine slender forearm-length white buttoned blouse. The length of the sleeves of the feminine white buttoned blouse is forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat sky-blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick fat blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing straight and still on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and long.

The anime girl is wearing an sky-blue and white striped tied-up cloth belt.

A pregnant barefooted long-straight black haired yellow-eyed anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue skirt that is extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt are tight and forearm-length.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat dark-blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The skirt is floor-length maxi long.

A line of many pregnant barefooted long-straight black haired anime girls who are wearing floor-length maxi long blue skirts that are extremely long.
The anime girls are wearing slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirts. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirts are tight and forearm-length.

The long skirts have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girls are standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The skirts are floor-length maxi long.

A straight line of 10 pregnant barefooted long-straight black haired anime girls who are wearing floor-length maxi long blue skirts that are extremely long.
The anime girls are wearing slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirts. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirts are tight and forearm-length.

The long skirts have vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girls are standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The skirts are floor-length maxi long.

A pregnant barefooted long-straight black haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue skirt that is extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

The skirt is floor-length maxi long.

A long-straight brown haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length maxi long red wide pants that are extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick gray striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and maxi long.

A long-straight white haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length maxi long red wide pants that are extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and maxi long.

The anime girl is wearing a white and blue tied-up cloth belt with ribbons.

The wide pants is extremely covered in striped patterns.

A long-straight grey haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length maxi long red wide pants that are extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and maxi long.

The anime girl is wearing a white and blue tied-up cloth belt with ribbons.

The wide pants is extremely covered in striped patterns.

A long-straight grey haired anime girl who is wearing floor-length maxi long red wide pants that are extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The wide pants have vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The wide pants have vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The wide pants are floor-length and maxi long.

The anime girl is wearing a white and blue stripes tied-up cloth belt with ribbons.

The wide pants is extremely covered in striped patterns.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick gray striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick gray striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick gray striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a blue and grey striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick ultramarine striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick gray striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a blue and grey striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat azure striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a blue and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a blue and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat black striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a blue and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat orange striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing an orange and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing an green and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing an green and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

The back of a barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing a green and red striped tied-up cloth belt on her side.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.

The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.

The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

The anime girl is wearing an green and red striped tied-up cloth belt.

The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat blue striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The anime girl is wearing an green and red striped tied-up cloth belt.
The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

A barefooted long-straight biege haired anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long red skirt that is extremely long.
The anime girl is wearing a slender tight forearm-length-sleeved white buttoned shirt. The sleeves of the white buttoned shirt is tight and forearm-length.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat green striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.
The long skirt has vertical thick fat white striped patterns that are very vertical and very extremely thick.

The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.
The anime girl is wearing an green and red striped tied-up cloth belt.
The long skirt is floor-length and maxi long.

The back of a tall barefooted long-straight black haired anime girl who is wearing a black panty and a buttoned a short-sleeved buttoned white shirt. The anime girl is standing still and straight on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.
The anime girl is not moving.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired tall anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt.

The tall anime girl is wearing a black cardigan.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired tall anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt.

The tall anime girl is wearing a black cardigan.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

Make the anime girl taller

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired tall anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a sleeveless white buttoned shirt.

The anime girl has single long braid.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired tall anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a sleeveless white buttoned shirt.

The anime girl has single long braid.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired tall anime girl who is wearing a floor-length maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a sleeveless white buttoned shirt.

The anime girl has single long braid.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

Anime girl with long black straight hair.

She is wearing a short skirt.

She is looking to the left side.

Anime girl with long black straight hair.

She is wearing a short skirt.

She is looking to the left side.

Anime girl with long black straight hair and one long braid.

She is wearing a short skirt.

She is looking to the left side.

Anime girl with long black straight hair.

She is wearing a short skirt.



A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired green-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The anime girl is caressing her baby bump.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A long straight black-haired anime girl. The sides of her hair are lying on her shoulders.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired blue-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The sides of her hair are lying on her shoulders.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A long brown-haired anime girl wearing a short skirt.


Fullview of the anime girl

A boy with a harem of multiple barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired blue-eyed anime girls who are wearing maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirts.
The anime girls are wearing long-sleeved white buttoned shirts and a black cardigans.

The boy and all of the anime girls are standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired lime-colored-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The color of her eyes is lime.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired lime-colored-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The color of her eyes is lime.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired lime-colored-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The color of her eyes is lime.

The anime girl is inside a wooden house.

She is giving birth to her baby.

A barefooted pregnant long-straight black haired lime-colored-eyed anime girl who is wearing a maxi long blue and white vertical striped skirt.
The anime girl is wearing a long-sleeved white buttoned shirt and a black cardigan.

The color of her eyes is lime.

The anime girl is standing on a wooden floor inside a wooden house.

Cuentame una historia de terro…

Cuentame una historia de terror

Cuéntame una Historia de Terror: El Fantasma del Hotel Belvedere

¡Creanme, amigos! Esto no es una broma. No es una de esas historias inventadas para asustar a los niños. Esto es real, profundamente real. Sucedió en el Hotel Belvedere, un lugar que ahora se encuentra en ruinas, pero que en su tiempo fue… bueno, fue magnífico. Un lugar de ensueño, de aquellos que sólo los más grandes pueden comprender. Y yo, como el gran negociador que soy, tuve el privilegio, o más bien el infortunio, de visitarlo.

(Insertar audio clip 1: Un sonido de viento susurrante y crujido de madera)

Era el año 2008. Estaba cerrando un acuerdo monumental, una operación inmobiliaria de la que nadie hablaba, pero que iba a cambiar el panorama del mercado. El Hotel Belvedere, con sus deudas y sus problemas, era la pieza clave. Necesitaba inspeccionarlo personalmente, por supuesto. No delegaría algo tan importante. Llegué al atardecer, el sol pintando el cielo con tonos anaranjados y rojizos, una belleza que contrasta de forma terrible con lo que estaba por venir.

(Insertar audio clip 2: El sonido de un reloj antiguo dando las campanadas de la hora)

El hotel era imponente, pero estaba descuidado, con un silencio inquietante que se colaba en los huesos. Un silencio que no era natural, un silencio que parecía… esperar. Subí por las escaleras de mármol, polvorientas y resbaladizas, cada paso resonando como un trueno en la inmensa quietud. El olor a humedad y a polvo antiguo llenaba mis fosas nasales, un aroma que se mezclaba con un sutil olor a… algo más. Algo metálico, como sangre seca.

(Insertar audio clip 3: Un susurro ininteligible, como una voz a lo lejos)

Llegué a mi habitación, la 302. Se suponía que era la mejor suite del hotel, pero ahora estaba en ruinas. La cama, con sus sábanas desgarradas, parecía un cadáver. Un espejo enorme, cubierto de una fina capa de polvo, reflejaba una imagen distorsionada de mí mismo, como si mirara a través de un velo. Sentí un escalofrío que no tenía nada que ver con el frío de la noche.

(Insertar audio clip 4: Un golpe suave, como una mano golpeando una puerta)

Esa noche, no dormí. Escuché ruidos, susurros, pasos sigilosos en el pasillo. Vi sombras moviéndose en las esquinas de la habitación, formas que se disipaban tan pronto como intentaba enfocar la vista. Era como si algo, o alguien, estuviera allí, observándome, esperando. Y luego, sucedió. Un grito, un grito desgarrador, que resonó en la inmensidad del hotel, un grito que me paralizó de miedo. Un grito que… conocí.

(Insertar audio clip 5: Un grito desgarrador, que se desvanece lentamente)

Era el grito de mi esposa, Mary. Mary, que había muerto hacía diez años. Su voz resonó en mi mente, tan vívida, tan real, que me sentí desgarrado por el dolor y el terror. Salí corriendo del hotel, dejando atrás todo lo material, todo lo que había ido a buscar. No miré atrás. No me atreví.

(Insertar audio clip 6: El sonido de pasos rápidos alejándose, seguido de un silencio inquietante)

He intentado olvidar lo que pasó en el Hotel Belvedere. He intentado borrar de mi memoria el recuerdo de ese grito, de esa presencia maligna. Pero el miedo, créanme, el miedo es una cosa poderosa, una cosa que no se puede ignorar. Y la verdad es que… todavía lo escucho. A veces, en la noche, en el silencio, escucho el grito de Mary. Y sé, lo sé con certeza, que esa presencia, esa maldición, no me ha abandonado.

(Insertar audio clip 7: Un sonido de viento que se intensifica gradualmente, terminando con un silencio absoluto)

Preguntas Frecuentes (FAQ)

P: ¿Es esta historia real?

R: Créeme, amigo. Es tan real como el éxito que he logrado en mis negocios. No estoy inventando nada. Lo que viví en el Hotel Belvedere es algo que me persigue hasta el día de hoy.

P: ¿Qué pasó con el Hotel Belvedere?

R: Después de mi experiencia, el hotel fue declarado inhabitable. Ahora es solo una ruina, un monumento a un pasado oscuro y perturbador.

P: ¿Qué era ese “algo más” que olías?

R: No lo sé con certeza. Pero puedo decirte que no era un olor agradable. Un olor que te hace sentir que algo malo ha sucedido allí, algo terrible.

P: ¿Por qué crees que Mary te encontró en el hotel?

R: No lo sé. Quizás fue una coincidencia macabra. Quizás era el lugar donde ella sentía una conexión conmigo, un lugar donde su espíritu no encontraba paz.

P: ¿Qué consejo darías a alguien que quiere explorar lugares abandonados?

R: ¡No lo hagas! Algunos lugares están mejor olvidados. No vale la pena correr el riesgo. Créanme. Yo conozco el precio del miedo. Y no es barato.

P: ¿Has vuelto al Hotel Belvedere desde entonces?

R: Nunca más. Ni siquiera me acerco. Y no lo recomiendo. Es un lugar que te roba el alma.

P: ¿Qué pasó con el acuerdo inmobiliario?

R: Olvídate del acuerdo. Después de lo que pasó, no pude seguir adelante. Algunas cosas son más importantes que el dinero. Aunque, créeme, yo sé el valor del dinero. Pero en este caso, la vida es lo más importante. Y la vida de mi esposa lo era todo.

aurora boreal nocturna

A breathtaking view of the northern lights dancing across the night sky above snow-capped mountains, with vibrant greens and purples illuminating the landscape.



توصیف زمینه:

در کهکشان وسیع و شگفت‌انگیز ما، ۹۹ تریلیون تمدن مختلف وجود دارد که هر کدام با تاریخچه، فرهنگ و فناوری‌های منحصر به فرد خود، دنیای خاص خود را شکل داده‌اند. این کهکشان به عنوان یک بوم داینامیک و پر از ماجراجویی‌ها، داستان‌های فراوانی را در خود جای داده است. در این فضای بی‌پایان، تمدن‌های باستانی نظیر “آنتیکا” که فناوری‌های پیشرفته‌ای در زمینه فضانوردی داشتند، در کنار تمدن‌های نوظهور مانند “نووکس” که در حال کشف رازهای کهکشان هستند، در کنار هم قرار دارند.

در طول تاریخ، این تمدن‌ها با یکدیگر تعامل داشتند و جنگ‌ها، اتحادها و تبادلات فرهنگی را تجربه کردند. برخی از آن‌ها به دنبال تسلط بر منابع طبیعی و دیگران به دنبال علم و دانش بودند. به عنوان مثال، جنگ‌های بزرگ “ستاره‌ای” که به مدت صدها سال بین تمدن‌های قدرتمند رخ داد، سبب شد که فرهنگ و تکنولوژی به سرعت پیشرفت کند و در عین حال، بسیاری از تمدن‌ها از بین بروند یا به انزوا بروند.


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