A child running across a green meadow with a colorful kite soaring high in the sky, the wind gently rustling the grass and the child’s laughter filling the air.
August 29, 2024
Published by Syawalblaze77
A child running across a green meadow with a colorful kite soaring high in the sky, the wind gently rustling the grass and the child’s laughter filling the air.
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SB 1047
Date: August 27, 2024, 4:07 AM GMT
Executive summary: The California AI safety bill, SB 1047, is sparking intense debate in Silicon Valley. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings. It has been met with mixed reactions, with some tech giants calling it a threat to innovation while others, including Elon Musk, are voicing their support.
California legislatures will vote on SB 1047 this week. Some tech giants are calling the bill a threat to innovation. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Yahoo Finance (4 hours ago)
The California bill would be the first of its kind in the U.S. to require AI firms building large-scale models to test them for safety. The bill, if passed, would require companies to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Fortune (8 hours ago)
If a state wants to ensure very clean air – most of the time – regulation is an approach to achieving that outcome. Litigation is also on the table for AI safety, governance, and alignment.
Data Science Central (10 hours ago)
AI safety bill, SB 1047: California state Senator Scott Wiener, co-author of the bill has accused some opponents of ‘fear-mongering’. The bill has sparked a debate with Elon Musk supporting it while Google & Meta have different views.
Hindustan Times (7 minutes ago)
Tesla and xAI CEO Elon Musk has voiced his support for a California AI safety bill, expected to introduce increased oversight and regulations. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Teslarati (4 hours ago)
Elon Musk has publicly endorsed California’s SB 1047 AI safety bill, advocating for AI regulation, despite opposition from OpenAI and other tech figures. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Benzinga (2 hours ago)
Anthropic has announced its support for an amended version of the “Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act,” California’s groundbreaking AI safety legislation. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
THE Journal: Technological Horizons in Education (6 hours ago)
Two former OpenAI researchers who resigned this year over safety concerns say they are disappointed but not surprised by OpenAI’s decision to oppose a groundbreaking AI safety bill in California. The bill, SB 1047, would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Yahoo (11 hours ago)
OpenAI is pushing back against a first-of-its-kind bill to regulate the AI industry in California – causing some of the company’s former employees to again speak out about the company’s lack of commitment to AI safety. The bill, SB 1047, would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Business Insider Africa (2 days ago)
AI company Anthropic is now backing a controversial bill known as SB 1047, which would regulate AI in California. In a letter sent to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei said that the company is now supportive of the bill after lawmakers made changes to it.
Business Insider (2 days ago)
California legislators are about to vote on a bill called SB 1047, which would set rules for how artificial intelligence (AI) is developed and used in the state. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
The Daily Star (10 hours ago)
Senate Bill 1047 addresses the need for governance when using AI technologies, balancing innovation with safety. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
Acceleration Economy (16 hours ago)
OpenAI, one of the leading artificial intelligence companies, has voiced its opposition to a groundbreaking bill aimed at regulating the AI industry in California. The bill, SB 1047, would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
www.financial-world.org (1 day ago)
California State Senator Scott Wiener, in response to criticism from Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, defended an artificial intelligence bill, arguing that it is crucial to ensure the safety of AI systems. The bill, SB 1047, would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
MSN (2 days ago)
California 주 상원 표결을 앞두고 있는 ‘첨단 인공지능(AI) 시스템을 위한 안전과 보안 혁신법안(S.B. 1047)’에 대해 앤트로픽 대표가 긍정적인 평가를 내렸다. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings.
지디넷코리아 (2 days ago)
🎶 Dive into an incredibly realistic dance experience Arika, the cutting-edge AI with moves that feel truly alive! Watch as she execute every step with flawless precision and natural charisma, blurring the lines between virtual and reality. This isn’t just any dance video—it’s a breathtaking display of AI technology mimicking real-life rhythm and style. Press play and be amazed by how lifelike Arika looks and dances! 💃🤖
Fais-moi une vidéo d’une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon
Bien sûr, voici une vidéo d’une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon :
Imagine une femme avec des yeux bleus profonds, une peau claire et des cheveux bruns qui descendent en cascade sur ses épaules. Elle est assise devant un miroir, concentrée sur son application de maquillage. Elle utilise un pinceau fin pour appliquer une ombre à paupières caméléon, une teinte qui change de couleur selon l’angle de la lumière. On voit la couleur changer du bleu au vert, puis au violet, créant un effet hypnotique sur ses yeux. Elle sourit, satisfaite du résultat, et se prépare à sortir pour la soirée.
Une autre similaire
J’ai une idée ! On pourrait faire une vidéo d’une femme qui utilise un fard à paupières pour créer un look de maquillage inspiré des années 80.
Non c’est pas un humain ça une autre
J’ai l’impression que tu veux que je fasse quelque chose de nouveau. Je peux te faire une vidéo d’une femme qui applique un fard à paupières.
Je veux une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon
C’est une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon, c’est magnifique!
Non, une autre bienfait, pas avec trois mois avec deux mains, une femme avec deux mains avec une tête normale, et qui applique du phare à paupières caméléon avec
C’est une femme avec une tête normale qui applique du phare à paupières caméléon avec deux mains.
Je veux voir une autre vidéo
OK, je veux la même, mais qui montre une femme appliquant du phare à paupières caméléon
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