
A child running across a green meadow with a colorful kite soaring high in the sky, the wind gently rustling the grass and the child’s laughter filling the air.

SB 1047 AI Safety Bill: News Summary

SB 1047 News for SB 1047 after 2024.08.24. Date: August 27, 2024, 4:07 AM GMT Executive summary: The California AI safety bill, SB 1047, is sparking intense debate in Silicon Valley. The bill would require companies developing large-scale AI models to conduct safety testing and document their findings. It has been met with mixed reactions, […]

Getting started

🎶 Dive into an incredibly realistic dance experience Arika, the cutting-edge AI with moves that feel truly alive! Watch as she execute every step with flawless precision and natural charisma, blurring the lines between virtual and reality. This isn’t just any dance video—it’s a breathtaking display of AI technology mimicking real-life rhythm and style. Press […]

Je veux voir une autre vidéo

Fais-moi une vidéo d’une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon Bien sûr, voici une vidéo d’une femme qui applique un phare à paupières caméléon : Imagine une femme avec des yeux bleus profonds, une peau claire et des cheveux bruns qui descendent en cascade sur ses épaules. Elle est assise devant un miroir, […]

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