all I got to do is open this dog please leave my life out of the sky high I want to sing out all my feelings now baby you’re the what your work let me go out as you should have crossed the sky boom boom boom they attacked us Sky out we dance now they drop punch them right in the face so I can reach my eyes today it’s almost too perfect too good to be true why would the Lotus Eaters pass up on all this food who are you baby you’re a firework come and show them what you’re worth cuz baby you’re the what your work let me go out out as you should have crossed the sky attacked us Sky out Do you love me or do I love you is it me or is it you I want to dance away from you sing it out always get away from me you’re no one to say from me I don’t want to see you little you’re not even close to what I would want get away from all of this away I want to say hold on my heart singing what you’re worth baby go out out out as you should across the sky boom boom boom as your lighter than the Moon the Moon the Moon it’s all about it’s all about
you want me are you looking for I wanted to sing I wanted to dance out of the Moon and back again but you took it away only part 1 to say I hate you you took everything away from me but one and second part I want it to sing you’ll be hearing it short or Tilly
this is part 2 he broke my heart I wanted to sing why did I have to be the one got broken hearted broken heart you wanted the better girl I hate him I hate him I’m so mad that I ever fell in love with him I thought he would never want me again after what happened and I got to do iS punch him