Gold Helmet

Alíen bailando

Extraterrestre bailando en la luna

Gatito negro Tocando la guitarra

Gatito negro Tocando la guitarra

Gatito negro Tocando una guitarra eléctrica en un bar

Gold Helmet

quiero que me haga una histori…

quiero que me haga una historia de una mujer caleña negra que se enamora de un español a través de una pagina de internet y deciden conocerse y el español viaja a Colombia y se casan, ella se llama Nelly Stella y el Fernando. Nelly Stella trabajaba en un Motel llamado Geisha. con imágenes

Aquí te va una historia de amor entre Nelly Stella y Fernando:

Nelly Stella, una caleña negra de ojos brillantes y sonrisa contagiosa, trabajaba en el Motel Geisha, un lugar vibrante y lleno de historias en el corazón de Cali. Su vida, aunque llena de encuentros fugaces, anhelaba una conexión profunda. Un día, navegando por internet, encontró el perfil de Fernando, un español con una mirada tierna y una descripción que la cautivó. Sus mensajes fueron el inicio de una conversación que floreció en una conexión inesperada, a través del océano Atlántico. Las horas se convertían en días, y los días en semanas, mientras compartían sus sueños, sus miedos, y la chispa de un amor incipiente.

Fernando, fascinado por la belleza y la calidez de Nelly Stella, decidió viajar a Colombia. El encuentro fue mágico. Cali, con su salsa, su alegría y su gente cálida, envolvió a Fernando en un abrazo de bienvenida. Nelly Stella le mostró su ciudad, sus rincones favoritos, y la magia de su cultura. Cada paseo, cada conversación, reforzaba el lazo que los unía. La diferencia cultural, en lugar de ser una barrera, se convirtió en un puente hacia un entendimiento mutuo más profundo.

El amor de Nelly Stella y Fernando floreció bajo el sol caleño. Se enamoraron del ritmo de la salsa, del sabor del ajiaco, y de la pasión que latía en cada rincón de la ciudad. Fernando aprendió a bailar salsa con la gracia de Nelly Stella, y ella, a apreciar la serenidad y la poesía de su amado español.

Finalmente, en una ceremonia llena de alegría, música y tradición, Nelly Stella y Fernando se casaron. Sus familias, unidas por el amor que los había traído desde tan lejos, celebraron la unión de dos corazones que habían encontrado su destino a través de una pantalla, para luego encontrarse en la realidad, bajo el sol caleño.

Ver más imágenes de la boda de Nelly Stella y Fernando

Images of Nelly Stella and Fernando’s first meeting

Quiero que hagas una historia de amor entre una mujer vampiro y un hombre lobo, con imágenes

Once upon a time, in the shadowed corners of the Black Forest, lived two beings as different as night and day, yet bound by an undeniable attraction. Lysandra, a vampire of ancient lineage, possessed an ethereal beauty and a chilling grace. Her nights were spent amidst the whispering trees, her senses heightened to the rhythm of the forest’s heartbeat. Kaelen, a powerful werewolf, ruled the moonlit glades with his primal strength and unwavering loyalty to his pack.

Their first encounter was fraught with tension. Lysandra, drawn by the scent of Kaelen’s wild, untamed essence, found herself captivated by his raw power. Kaelen, sensing her dark allure, felt a pull towards her that defied his instincts. Their initial meeting was a clash of fangs and claws, a dance of predator and prey. Yet, amidst the struggle, a spark ignited, a forbidden connection that transcended their ancient rivalry.

Their relationship was a delicate balance of danger and desire. Lysandra, accustomed to the solitary existence of a vampire, found herself drawn to Kaelen’s pack, his fierce loyalty and protective nature. Kaelen, in turn, discovered a depth in Lysandra that he never expected, a vulnerability beneath her icy exterior. Their love blossomed under the cover of darkness, a secret whispered only to the wind and the stars.

However, their unconventional romance wasn’t without its challenges. The vampire elders threatened Lysandra with exile, while Kaelen’s pack viewed his affection for a vampire with suspicion and hostility. They had to fight not only for their love but also for their survival, constantly battling the prejudices and dangers of their respective worlds.

Their love story became a legend whispered among the creatures of the night, a testament to the power of love to overcome even the most ancient of rivalries. They proved that even the darkest of hearts can find light, and that love can bloom even in the deepest shadows.

Escreva um livro completo com …

Escreva um livro completo com base bíblica sobre o ensinamento de Jesus no sermão do monte

O Sermão da Montanha: Uma Jornada de Transformação


Nos verdes declives da Galileia, sob o olhar sereno do céu, Jesus reuniu seus discípulos. Não era uma assembleia de líderes religiosos ou poderosos do mundo, mas um grupo de pescadores, cobradores de impostos e humildes corações sedientos pela verdade. Ali, Jesus proferiu palavras que ecoariam através dos séculos, palavras que mudariam o cursoTítulo: “O Sermão do Monte: O Caminho de Jesus”

Capítulo 1: A Introdução ao Sermão do Monte
O Sermão do Monte, registrado nos capítulos 5 a 7 do Evangelho de Mateus, é uma das mensagens mais poderosas e impactantes de Jesus. Nele, o Mestre nos ensina sobre a verdadeira justiça, a humildade, e o amor ao próximo. Este capítulo introduz o contexto histórico e cultural em que Jesus proferiu suas palavras.

Capítulo 2: As Bem-Aventuranças
Neste capítulo, exploramos as bem-aventuranças, onde Jesus declara felizes aqueles que são pobres de espírito, os que choram, os mansos e os que têm fome e sede de justiça. Cada bem-aventurança é um convite à reflexão sobre o que realmente significa ser abençoado.

Capítulo 3: A Luz do Mundo e o Sal da Terra
Jesus nos ensina que somos a luz do mundo e o sal da terra. Aqui, discutimos a importância de viver de forma autêntica e como nossas ações podem influenciar os outros ao nosso redor.

Capítulo 4: A Lei e os Profetas
Jesus fala sobre o cumprimento da Lei e dos Profetas, trazendo uma nova perspectiva sobre a obediência a Deus. Este capítulo analisa como Jesus eleva os padrões morais e espirituais.

Capítulo 5: O Amor ao Próximo
A natureza radical do amor que Jesus ensina, incluindo a instrução de amar os inimigos e orar por aqueles que nos perseguem, é o foco deste capítulo. A reflexão sobre o amor incondicional é essencial.

Capítulo 6: A Oração e a Generosidade
Aqui, Jesus nos ensina sobre a prática da oração e da generosidade. O Pai Nosso é desmembrado para entender suas profundas implicações e o que significa dar sem esperar nada em troca.

Capítulo 7: O Julgamento e a Sabedoria
No último capítulo, Jesus aborda o tema do julgamento e a importância de construir nossa vida sobre a rocha firme de seus ensinamentos. A famosa parábola dos dois construtores é uma lição sobre a aplicação prática de suas palavras.

Conclusão: Viver o Sermão do Monte
O livro conclui com uma reflexão sobre como aplicar os ensinamentos do Sermão do Monte em nossa vida diária e a importância de sermos agentes de mudança em um mundo que anseia por amor e justiça.

Este livro, portanto, não apenas explora as palavras de Jesus, mas também nos desafia a vivê-las.

Gostaria de ver uma ilustração do Sermão do Monte.

Aqui está uma descrição para uma ilustração do Sermão da Montanha, seguida de instruções para sua geração usando uma ferramenta de IA:

Descrição da Ilustração:

Uma cena ao ar livre, em um dia ensolarado, em uma colina verdejante. Jesus está sentado no topo da colina, cercado por seus discípulos. Ele está usando uma túnica simples e seus gestos são suaves e atenciosos. A multidão de ouvintes é diversificada, com homens, mulheres e crianças de diferentes idades e origens. Alguns estão sentados, outros de pé, todos com expressões de atenção e admiração em seus rostos. A paisagem ao fundo é pacífica e serena, sugerindo a paz e a tranquilidade que Jesus transmite. O estilo da ilustração deve ser realista, mas com cores vibrantes e um toque de espiritualidade. O foco deve estar nas expressões dos personagens e na atmosfera de reverência e aprendizado.


Let’s enrich the narrative with detailed descriptions of the Galilean landscape and daily life, weaving them into the existing outline.

Title: Pão na Mesa: Uma História de Fé e Abundância (Bread on the Table: A Story of Faith and Abundance)

Setting: A small farming village nestled in the rolling hills of Galilee, near the Sea of Galilee, during the time of Jesus. The landscape is characterized by olive groves, vineyards, and fields of wheat and barley, interspersed with rocky outcrops and ancient olive trees. The village itself is a collection of modest stone houses, clustered together for mutual support and protection.

Part 1: Sowing and Planting (Chapters 1-5)

  • Chapter 1: The opening scene depicts the sun rising over the Sea of Galilee, its golden light illuminating the dew-kissed fields. Elias and his family begin their day with a simple prayer, before heading out to their fields, the scent of sun-baked earth and wildflowers filling the air. Their tools – a wooden plow pulled by a donkey, simple hoes and sickles – are described in detail, emphasizing their reliance on manual labor.

  • Chapter 2: The drought is described vividly – cracked earth, wilting crops, a parched landscape. The family’s struggle is heightened by the visual descriptions of their dwindling resources and the desperation in their faces.

  • Chapter 3: Caleb sits with the family under the shade of a sprawling olive tree, its ancient branches heavy with fruit. He tells his stories, his voice a low rumble against the backdrop of the wind whispering through the olive leaves.

  • Chapter 4: Tamar’s despair is reflected in the desolate landscape. The barren fields mirror her inner turmoil.

  • Chapter 5: The small harvest is celebrated with a simple meal of bread, olives, and a small amount of cheese, shared under the starry Galilean sky.

Part 2: Harvest and Thanksgiving (Chapters 6-10)

  • Chapter 6: The harvest festival is a vibrant scene – baskets overflowing with golden wheat, the sounds of laughter and celebration echoing through the village. The description emphasizes the abundance and the communal joy.

  • Chapter 7: The village feast takes place outdoors, under the shade of a large fig tree, with tables laden with bread, fruit, and roasted lamb. The aroma of roasting meat and baking bread fills the air.

  • Chapter 8: Tamar’s renewed faith is reflected in the beauty of the restored landscape.

  • Chapter 9: Elias teaches Tamar about tithing while they gather olives from their trees, the process described in detail.

  • Chapter 10: The family works together, preserving their harvest – drying olives, storing grain in clay jars, a process described with sensory details.

Part 3: Famine and Faith (Chapters 11-15)

  • Chapters 11-15: The famine is depicted through stark imagery – empty fields, gaunt faces, the dust swirling in the wind. The family’s struggle for survival is shown through their dwindling resources and their growing reliance on God’s grace.

Part 4: Communion and Community (Chapters 16-20)

  • Chapters 16-20: The final meal is a poignant scene, emphasizing the shared bread and the renewed sense of community. The setting sun casts a warm glow on the faces of the villagers, highlighting the hope and resilience they’ve found through their faith.

A raposa malvada

A raposa malvada

Here’s a story about a wicked fox:

Deep within the Whispering Woods lived a fox named Sly, known throughout the land for his cunning and cruelty. His fur, the color of burnt umber, seemed to absorb the shadows, and his eyes, like chips of obsidian, held a glint of mischief and malice. Sly delighted in tormenting the other animals, playing cruel tricks and spreading discord wherever he went. He’d steal eggs from birds’ nests, leaving behind only broken shells and panicked chirps. He’d trip unsuspecting rabbits, enjoying their startled squeaks as they tumbled head over heels. His laughter, a dry, rasping sound, echoed through the trees, a chilling testament to his wickedness.

One day, a wise old owl, Athena, decided she’d had enough. She summoned the animals of the Whispering Woods to a council, her piercing gaze settling on each creature in turn. She proposed a plan to outsmart Sly, using his own cunning against him. They agreed, and under Athena’s guidance, they devised a clever trap.

They baited a trap with Sly’s favorite treat – plump, juicy grapes – hidden within a hollow log. The log was rigged with a cleverly concealed net. Sly, lured by the sweet scent, eagerly approached, his tail twitching with anticipation. As he reached for the grapes, the net sprung shut, trapping him securely. The animals, overjoyed, surrounded him, their fear replaced with a triumphant glee. Athena, however, showed mercy. She gave Sly a stern lecture on the consequences of his actions, reminding him that even the cleverest creature can be outsmarted by kindness and unity. She then released him, warning him to mend his ways.

Whether Sly truly changed his wicked nature is unknown. But the animals of the Whispering Woods learned a valuable lesson that day: even the most cunning adversary can be overcome through collaboration and compassion.

Evolution of Thought: From Archaic to Rational

comentame el paso del pensamiento arcaico al pensamiento mágico y de este al mítico y del mítico al racional

The provided text doesn’t detail the specific transitions between archaic, magical, mythical, and rational thought in a linear, step-by-step manner. However, we can piece together a picture from the available information:

From Archaic to Magical Thinking: The provided text doesn’t explicitly discuss “archaic thinking” as a distinct stage. However, it mentions Merlin Donald’s three stages: episodic, mimetic, and mythic Wikipedia. We can infer that an “archaic” stage, preceding even episodic memory, might involve very basic sensory processing and immediate responses to the environment, lacking symbolic thought. The transition to magical thinking would then involve the development of rudimentary symbolic representation, associating events with causes in a non-causal way. This would be a shift from purely reactive behavior to attempts at understanding and influencing the world through ritual, incantation, or belief in supernatural forces. This aligns with the idea that early humans may have communicated verbally as early as 50,000 years ago or even earlier Evernote.

From Magical to Mythic Thinking: The progression from magical to mythical thinking, according to Donald, is characterized by the emergence of mimetic abilities and the creation of narratives. Instead of isolated magical practices, the focus shifts to shared stories, rituals, and beliefs that explain the world and provide a sense of order and meaning Wikipedia. These myths offer explanations for natural phenomena and human existence, often involving supernatural beings and forces. The development of language and increasingly complex social structures would have facilitated this transition.

From Mythic to Rational Thinking: The final stage in Donald’s model is the development of mythic thought into rational thought. This is a significant leap, involving the ability for abstract thought, logical reasoning, and systematic analysis of the world. The development of writing and the rise of civilizations likely played a crucial role in this transition. While myths still held importance, a more systematic and analytical approach to understanding the world emerged, leading to the development of philosophy, science, and other forms of rational inquiry. The emergence of this type of thinking is linked to the evolution of the human brain and the origin of language Wikipedia. However, the exact timing and mechanisms of this shift remain a subject of ongoing research and debate, with suggestions ranging from a genetic mutation around 40,000 years ago Smithsonian to a more gradual process spanning millennia.

It’s important to note that these transitions weren’t necessarily abrupt or complete. Elements of magical and mythical thinking often persist alongside rational thought even in modern societies. The model presented here is a simplification of a complex and ongoing process. Further, it’s crucial to remember that this is one model among many, with various scholars offering differing perspectives on the evolution of human thought.

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segui la pagina flash style,
e scrivici in dm per ricevere avere la guida passo passo per acquistare qualsiasi tipo di abbigliamento firmato sia da uomo che da donna a prezzi mai visti in tutta italia. a soli 15 € euro avrai una guida dettagliata e assistenza 7 giorni su 7.

segui la pagina flash style,
e scrivici in dm per ricevere avere la guida passo passo per acquistare qualsiasi tipo di abbigliamento firmato sia da uomo che da donna a prezzi mai visti in tutta italia. a soli 15 € euro avrai una guida dettagliata e assistenza 7 giorni su 7.

un retrato de medio cuerpo de …

un retrato de medio cuerpo de un jefe de la Jakuza japonesa,tribial,tatuajes,arte conceptual…

Confotur law in Dominican Repu…

Confotor law in Dominican Republic benefits for foreign investor

The Confotur Law (Law 157-14) in the Dominican Republic offers significant benefits to foreign investors, primarily focusing on incentivizing investments in specific sectors deemed crucial for the country’s economic development. These benefits are designed to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and boost economic growth.

Here’s a breakdown of some key advantages:

  • Tax Exemptions and Reductions: The law provides various tax breaks, including exemptions from income tax, property tax, and import duties on machinery, equipment, and raw materials. The specific exemptions depend on the sector of investment and the project’s size and impact.

  • Fiscal Stability: Confotur offers a degree of fiscal stability by guaranteeing the tax benefits for a predetermined period, reducing uncertainty for investors. This predictability is crucial for long-term planning and investment decisions.

  • Simplified Procedures: The law aims to streamline the investment process, making it easier for foreign investors to navigate the bureaucratic hurdles associated with setting up businesses in the Dominican Republic.

  • Access to Financing: Confotur may facilitate access to financing through various programs and partnerships with financial institutions. This can be particularly beneficial for larger-scale projects.

  • Incentives for Specific Sectors: The law prioritizes certain sectors, such as tourism, manufacturing, renewable energy, and technology, offering tailored incentives to attract investment in these areas. This targeted approach helps to promote balanced and sustainable economic growth.

Important Considerations:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Not all investments are eligible for Confotur benefits. Specific criteria must be met regarding the project’s nature, investment amount, job creation, and location.

  • Application Process: Securing Confotur benefits requires a formal application and approval process. Investors should carefully review the requirements and seek professional guidance to ensure compliance.

  • Ongoing Compliance: Maintaining compliance with the law’s stipulations is essential to continue benefiting from the tax incentives and other advantages.

To obtain the most up-to-date and precise information, it’s crucial to consult the official Confotur website or seek advice from legal and financial professionals specializing in Dominican Republic investment law.

Cómo ves que tendremos que esc…

Cómo ves que tendremos que escoger administrador condomino

Elegir un administrador de condominio es una decisión importante. Es esencial considerar la experiencia, las referencias y las habilidades de gestión del candidato. También es útil involucrar a los residentes en el proceso de selección para asegurarse de que sus necesidades y preocupaciones sean escuchadas. ¿Tienes alguna idea de lo que buscas en un administrador?

Que sea transparente y rondas cuentas

Eso es fundamental. La transparencia y la rendición de cuentas son clave para una buena administración. Puedes buscar administradores que ofrezcan informes financieros claros y estén dispuestos a comunicarse abiertamente con los residentes. También sería útil establecer reuniones regulares para discutir los temas del condominio. ¿Tienes algún candidato en mente?

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