SWOT Analysis Quadrants

Quali sono precisamente i 4 quadranti dell’analisi S.W.O.T.? dammi solo una risposta tra le 3

1 Punti di forza, punti di debolezza, punti in comune, minacce e opportunità
2 Punti di forza, punti di debolezza, minacce e opportunità
3 Punti di forza, punti di debolezza, rischi e vantaggi

La risposta corretta è:

2 Punti di forza, punti di debolezza, minacce e opportunità

Ora ti farò altre domande, alcune numerate altre no, rispondimi dandomi una risposta sola tra quelle elencate che possono essere 3 o 4

Va bene, sono pronto per le tue domande. Sentiti libero di iniziare!

Secondo la formula della deformazione dei corpi elastici per allungare un muscolo o un tessuto o un qualsiasi altro materiale occorre… dammi solo una risposta tra le 3
1 entrambe le risposte presenti sono corrette
2 forzare l’allungamento con impeto e forza risparmiando così tempo (soluzione dannosa per i muscoli e tessuti)
3 agire delicatamente applicando tensioni leggere e dolcemente in crescendo (soluzione ottimale per i muscoli o tessuti)

La risposta corretta è:

3 agire delicatamente applicando tensioni leggere e dolcemente in crescendo (soluzione ottimale per i muscoli o tessuti)

Rispetto alle diete, i consigli alimentari sportivi: dammi solo una risposta

1 non presentano riferimenti quantitativi, ma indicazioni generiche di buona norma
2 contengono riferimenti di legge meno precisi
3 possono essere rilasciati solo dopo una valutazione chinesiologica
4 sono anonimi, quindi non rintracciabili

La risposta corretta è:

1 non presentano riferimenti quantitativi, ma indicazioni generiche di buona norma

Durante la respirazione:

1 Il retto dell’addome va contratto per contrastare la naturale tendenza del corpo ad andare in iperlordosi
2 Solo il diaframma lavora alzandosi e abbassandosi
3 Più muscoli vengono coinvolti anche indirettamente

La risposta corretta è:

3 Più muscoli vengono coinvolti anche indirettamente

Quali sono i requisiti che si presentano in un Handstand perfetta? dammi solo una risposta tra le 3
1 Curva lombare neutra, retroversione contraendo glutei e addome e/o portando il ventre in dentro, gambe estese e bloccate, piedi in flessione plantare.
2 Entrambe le risposte presenti sono corrette
3 Il corpo forma una linea retta tra malleoli e palmi, mani larghezza spalle , braccia distese e bloccate, orecchie in linea con le braccia, curva toracica estesa e apertura massima spalle con petto spinto in fuori.

La risposta corretta è:

2 Entrambe le risposte presenti sono corrette

Il principio di variabilità detto anche? dammi solo una risposta tra le 3

1 Principio dell’assuefazione, aumentano ogni settimana volume ed intensità, per mantenere un tono muscolare sempre attivo e ricettivo
2 Principio dell’assuefazione, fornendo all’ atleta costantemente stimoli allenanti, modulando l’intensità degli esercizi, volume e tempi di recupero
3 Principio dell’assuefazione, modificando ad ogni settimana i parametri sulla propedeutica, come instabilità, distribuzione del carico tra arti superiori ed inferiori, lavori in mono arto ecc..

La risposta corretta è:

2 Principio dell’assuefazione, fornendo all’ atleta costantemente stimoli allenanti, modulando l’intensità degli esercizi, volume e tempi di recupero

Il back lever è un antagonista del front lever? dammi solo una risposta
1 Si perché nonostante possa essere considerato concettualmente come esercizio di tirata, i gruppi muscolari principali agonisti sono quelli che a braccia tese da una posizione estesa indietro dell’omero tendono ad antivertere il braccio in avanti esattamente all’opposto di quello che avviene nel front lever
2 No perché essendo un esercizio di tirata questa è sempre contraria alla spinta
3 No perché l’agonista del front lever è il planche dal momento che il primo lavora in tirata a braccia tese ed il secondo lavora in spinta a braccia tese entrambi sul piano orizzontale

La risposta corretta è:

1 Si perché nonostante possa essere considerato concettualmente come esercizio di tirata, i gruppi muscolari principali agonisti sono quelli che a braccia tese da una posizione estesa indietro dell’omero tendono ad antivertere il braccio in avanti esattamente all’opposto di quello che avviene nel front lever

Il fenomeno dell’ipertrofia muscolare è portato da… dammi solo una rispostra
1 Unicamente stress lattaccido portando a sfinimento le fibre muscolari
2 Tensione meccanica, danno muscolare, stress metabolico
3 Unicamente dal danno muscolare generato principalmente dalle contrazioni eccentriche

La risposta corretta è:

2 Tensione meccanica, danno muscolare, stress metabolico

Nella L SIT si contraggono principalmente:


La risposta corretta è:


Su un soggetto sano, quali sono le complicazioni di una dieta troppo ricca in proteine? dammi solo una risposta tra le 4

1 Stipsi, flatulenza ed appesantimento dei sistemi gastrico-escretorio
2 Dolori articolari e calo della performance
3 Insufficienza renale ed epatica
4 Dolore al fegato e riduzione della libido

La risposta corretta è:

3 Insufficienza renale ed epatica

Il Back Lever come obbiettivo da raggiungere, seguendo tutte le sue propedeutiche, è adatto ai neofiti?
1 No, è una skill pericolosa per i gomiti
2 Si, sopratutto se si hanno buoni gradi di mobilità in ipertensione del gomito
3 Si, purché si affianchi in parallelo un lavoro di mobilità in estensione della spalla e potenziamento, con maggior attenzione ai bicipiti, con esercizi come dips bar presa inversa.

La risposta corretta è:

3 Si, purché si affianchi in parallelo un lavoro di mobilità in estensione della spalla e potenziamento, con maggior attenzione ai bicipiti, con esercizi come dips bar presa inversa.




Parli anche in italiano?

Parli anche in italiano?

Certo! Parlo italiano. Cosa vuoi sapere?

L’ho trasformata così: “L’iron…

L’ironia è una preghiera della ragione che ha perso la fede.

Ci invita a non prenderci troppo sul serio. Ma non è un distacco che annulla, ma una lampada che getta nuova luce su ciò che è dato per scontato.

Ecco, l’ironia è ciò che rimane quando i dogmi vacillano. Invoca una verità che non vedevi e lancia con veemenza i sui acidi strali, sperando che qualcuno risponda.

L’ironia affronta la tragedia senza soccombere e rimane in piedi quando tutto sembra crollare. È un rifugio sicuro, l’arma che, strappando un sorriso, mostra le buche della vita da una distanza che protegge: quell’attimo di salvezza in cui scegliamo di sorridere, perché non possiamo più piangere.

News for Matthew Sluka

Date: September 25, 2024, 4:00 PM GMT
Executive summary: UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka has abruptly ended his season, citing unfulfilled NIL promises. The news has shocked the college football world, with many questioning the future of the sport in the age of NIL. Sluka’s decision has sparked a debate about the role of NIL in college athletics, with some arguing that it is creating a system where players are being exploited. Others argue that NIL is a necessary step towards giving athletes more control over their own careers.

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka Quits Team

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka quits team in middle of undefeated season: ‘More money’

UNLV starting quarterback Matthew Sluka has left the team, citing unfulfilled NIL promises. Sluka, who led the Rebels to a 3-0 start, announced his decision on social media, saying that he was "leaving the team effective immediately" because "certain representations were not upheld after I enrolled at UNLV." Sluka’s father, Bob, told ESPN that his son was verbally promised a minimum of $100,000 from a local car dealership, but that the deal never materialized. The family is now exploring legal options.
New York Post (3 hours ago)

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka leaving team because ‘representations’ that ‘were not upheld’

UNLV starting quarterback Matthew Sluka is leaving the team because of alleged unfilled "commitments" made to him when he transferred to the school, according to a statement released by his family.
On3.com (4 hours ago)

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka quits team, apparently over unfulfilled NIL promises

UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka is leaving the team after three games and is reportedly looking for a new home.
NBC Sports (1 hour ago)

It Was Only a Matter of Time: UNLV QB Quits Because His NIL Deal Falls Through

The UNLV Rebels are undefeated, with quarterback Matthew Sluka under center. He is now redshirting due to his NIL commitments not being met.
Athlon Sports (4 hours ago)

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka’s sudden redshirt, intent to enter transfer portal is a major shift in college football

UNLV starting quarterback Matthew Sluka announced on social media Tuesday night that he won’t play any more games for the Rebels and has opted to use his redshirt.
247Sports (1 hour ago)

Reactions to Sluka’s Departure

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka Enters Transfer Portal Stream of …

Dennis Dodd and Chris Hummer join Zach Aldridge to discuss UNLV QB Matthew Sluka entering the transfer portal.
CBS Sports (23 minutes ago)

UNLV starting QB will no longer play due to ‘representations’ …

Dennis Dodd and Chris Hummer join CBS Sports HQ to discuss UNLV starting QB Matthew Sluka choosing to no longer play for the school due to ‘representations’ …
CBS Sports (21 minutes ago), 11:11

Georgia’s Kirby Smart weighs in on UNLV QB Matthew Sluka situation, players opting out mid-season

Two-time national championship Georgia coach Kirby Smart worries for sport’s future.
Footballscoop (7 minutes ago)

Kirby Smart, Brian Kelly react to Matthew Sluka redshirting: How to fix NIL, promote revenue shares

The two SEC head coaches think schools need to have a chance to get some contractual protections for this problem to diminish.
On3.com (7 minutes ago)

Analysis of the Situation

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka QUIT Over NIL?

UNLV QB Matthew Sluka QUIT Over NIL?
Unafraid Show with George Wrighster (9 hours ago), 1:00

UNLV QB Matt Sluka Quits Team After Three Games Due To Broken Promises, Shocking The College Football World

The seedy side of NIL has reared its ugly head and UNLV now has a quarterback problem.
OutKick (4 hours ago)

UNLV QB Matt Sluka Quits Team Over NIL?

Matt Sluka is abandoning his undefeated football team in a dispute over NIL money. Is this the start of a troubling trend for college football?
Jason Whitlock (4 hours ago)

In the case of UNLV vs. its starting quarterback, no one comes away looking good

Matthew Sluka leaving UNLV’s team in the middle of the night — literally — provokes far more questions than answers. On the FootballScoop Podcast,
Footballscoop (1 hour ago)

Media Coverage

Brett Favre’s DEVASTATING Diagnosis | UNLV QB Matt Sluka …

… Matt Sluka is abandoning his undefeated football team in a dispute over NIL money. Is this the start of a troubling trend for college football?
YouTube (3 hours ago), 12:41
Brett Favre's DEVASTATING Diagnosis | UNLV QB Matt Sluka ...

UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka abruptly ends season

UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka shocked the college football world on Tuesday, announcing he was ending his season at UNLV after just three games.
YouTube (48 minutes ago), 2:41
UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka abruptly ends season

UNLV’s starting QB, Matthew Sluka, just left the team. The …

DJ & PK reacted to the news of UNLV Rebels starting quarterback Matthew Sluka deciding to leave the team and redshirt this season as he seeks another …
YouTube (36 minutes ago), 9:13
UNLV's starting QB, Matthew Sluka, just left the team. The ...

Kiper shocked over UNLV QB’s decision to quit over NIL

Mel Kiper Jr. discusses the new era of college football after UNLV quarterback Matthew Sluka decided to redshirt midseason over NIL disagreements.
ESPN (3 hours ago), 2:14

‘Hour 2: What is Trending | BYU a Big 12 Contender …’

Hour two of DJ & PK for September 25, 2024: • What is Trending • Hot Takes or Toast • Matthew Sluka makes college football waves.
YouTube (1 hour ago), 44:27
Hour 2: What is Trending | BYU a Big 12 Contender ...

‘What is Trending: Brett Favre has Parkinson”s Disease …’

What is Trending: Brett Favre has Parkinson’s Disease | Matthew Sluka bolts UNLV | Kawhi Leonard … No views · 4 minutes ago DJ & PK …more.
YouTube (43 minutes ago), 14:25
What is Trending: Brett Favre has Parkinson''s Disease ...

Social Media Buzz

‘"Former UNLV QB Matthew Sluka”s NIL representation …’

"Former UNLV QB Matthew Sluka’s NIL representation, Marcus Cromartie of Equity Sports, told ESPN that Sluka was verbally promised a minimum of $100,000 from a …
Reddit (3 hours ago)

[Rittenburg] Bob Sluka, father of UNLV QB Matthew …

[Rittenburg] Bob Sluka, father of UNLV QB Matthew Sluka, told ESPN that his son’s agents agreed to an NIL deal with the school back in February, …
Reddit (3 hours ago)

‘Free Talk Wednesday – September 25, 2024 : r/barstoolsports’

… Matt Sluka: Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.
Reddit (3 hours ago)

UNLV’s starting QB says he will no longer play over ‘ …

No he was told he would get x and coach tried to say well the NIL shouldn’t have told you that but he knew what number NIL told Matt. … Thanks Sluka – I …
Reddit (2 hours ago)

‘Waiver Wire Wednesday : r/TheSantaAnaWinds’

in 15m •. Matt Sluka to Notre Dame I’m hearing. Upvote 4. Downvote … 29m ago •. Not surprised by this Sluka news. A Kellenberg man and Holy Cross graduate …
Reddit (2 hours ago)

Mako AI: Revolutionizing Private Equity with AI

The financial industry is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). One of the most exciting developments in this space is the emergence of Mako AI, a groundbreaking fintech startup that aims to redefine how private equity firms conduct research, analysis, and drafting tasks. With significant funding and innovative technology, Mako AI is poised to become a game-changer in the sector. This article explores what Mako AI is, its functionality, and the implications for financial services.

What is Mako AI?

Mako AI is a generative AI platform that functions as an associate for private equity firms. Launched recently and emerging from stealth mode with $1.55 million in funding, Mako AI leverages large language models, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT, to create a network of AI agents capable of tackling diverse tasks. Business Insider reports that Mako AI can pull from a firm’s enterprise data to answer complex questions and conduct advanced analyses. This capability is particularly beneficial for private equity firms that require rapid insights and data-driven decision-making.

How Mako AI Works

Mako AI is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of financial and professional services. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Data Integration: Mako AI integrates seamlessly with a firm’s existing data systems. This integration allows it to access proprietary information and historical data, ensuring that analyses are grounded in the firm’s unique context.

  2. Task Automation: By employing a network of AI agents, Mako can automate various tasks traditionally performed by entry-level associates. This includes drafting reports, conducting market analysis, and synthesizing information from multiple sources.

  3. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Utilizing advanced NLP capabilities, Mako AI can understand and generate human-like text. This means it can produce reports and summaries that are clear and concise, mimicking the style and tone of a human associate.

  4. Security and Compliance: Given the sensitive nature of financial data, Mako AI emphasizes security. The platform is designed to comply with strict regulations, ensuring that data is handled securely and responsibly.

  5. Scalability: Mako AI’s architecture allows it to scale effortlessly, enabling firms to adjust the level of AI support based on their current needs. Whether managing a high volume of transactions or conducting in-depth analyses, Mako can adapt accordingly.

The Benefits of Mako AI for Private Equity Firms

Mako AI offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance the operations of private equity firms:

1. Increased Efficiency

By automating routine tasks, Mako AI frees up valuable time for analysts and associates, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities. This increased efficiency can lead to faster decision-making and improved outcomes.

2. Enhanced Accuracy

AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data with a level of precision that human analysts may struggle to match. Mako AI minimizes human error and ensures that analyses are based on the most accurate and relevant information available.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions

The use of AI can reduce labor costs associated with hiring and training entry-level associates. Mako AI provides firms with a cost-effective solution that delivers high-quality results without the overhead typically associated with human resources.

4. Better Insights

Mako AI enhances a firm’s analytical capabilities by providing insights derived from comprehensive data analysis. This can lead to better investment decisions and a more robust investment strategy.

5. Competitive Edge

In a rapidly evolving financial landscape, firms that leverage AI technologies such as Mako AI will have a competitive edge. The ability to quickly adapt to market changes and make data-driven decisions is crucial for success in the private equity sector.

Recent Developments and Future Prospects

Mako AI has made significant strides since its inception. The platform was recently announced and has garnered attention for its innovative approach to the private equity space. LinkedIn highlights Mako’s emphasis on security and unlimited bandwidth, making it an attractive option for firms looking to adopt AI solutions.

As Mako AI continues to evolve, its potential applications may expand beyond private equity into other areas of finance and professional services. The integration of AI into various sectors is likely to accelerate, and Mako AI is well-positioned to lead this charge.

How to Get Started with Mako AI

For firms interested in exploring what Mako AI has to offer, the first step is to engage with the platform’s representatives. Mako AI provides tailored solutions and can assist in the integration process. Interested firms can visit the official Mako AI website for more information.


Mako AI represents a significant advancement in the intersection of finance and artificial intelligence. By providing private equity firms with a powerful AI associate, Mako is set to redefine how these firms operate, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall performance. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, Mako AI will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of financial services.


What is Mako AI?

Mako AI is a generative AI platform designed to function as an associate for private equity firms, automating tasks and providing data-driven insights.

How does Mako AI enhance efficiency?

Mako AI automates routine tasks, freeing up time for analysts to focus on strategic activities, thus increasing overall operational efficiency.

What benefits does Mako AI provide?

Mako AI offers increased efficiency, enhanced accuracy, cost-effective solutions, better insights, and a competitive edge in the financial market.

Is Mako AI secure?

Yes, Mako AI emphasizes security and compliance, ensuring that sensitive financial data is handled responsibly.

How can firms get started with Mako AI?

Firms interested in Mako AI should visit the official website and engage with the platform’s representatives for tailored solutions and integration assistance.

For more detailed information, you can check the sources mentioned in this article, including Business Insider and LinkedIn.

Understanding the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ Instagram Post: A Viral Hoax

In the ever-evolving world of social media, trends come and go, often leaving users confused about what to believe. One such trend that has recently taken Instagram by storm is the “Goodbye Meta AI” post. This viral phenomenon has gained significant attention, with many users, including celebrities, participating in it. However, it’s crucial to understand what this trend is all about and why it’s being labeled as a hoax.

The Origin of the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ Post

The “Goodbye Meta AI” trend emerged as a response to changes in Meta’s privacy policies. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced updates allowing it to use user-generated content to train its AI chatbots. This announcement sparked privacy concerns among users, leading to the creation of the “Goodbye Meta AI” post. The post, a copied and pasted statement, claims to protect users’ data from being used by Meta’s AI systems.

What the Viral Message Claims

The viral message typically reads: “Goodbye Meta AI. Please note that I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, or posts, both past and future.” Users are encouraged to share this message on their Instagram stories as a way to opt out of Meta’s data usage policies.

Why the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ Post is a Hoax

Despite its widespread popularity, the “Goodbye Meta AI” post is a hoax. Legal experts and fact-checkers have confirmed that posting this statement does not provide any legal protection against Meta’s data policies. According to Time Magazine, the message is ineffective in altering Meta’s terms of service or privacy policies.

Celebrity Endorsement: Too Good to Be True

The involvement of celebrities like James McAvoy and Tom Brady, who shared the post, has further fueled its virality. However, their participation does not lend any legal credibility to the message. As BBC reports, even high-profile individuals are not exempt from falling for such hoaxes.

Meta’s Actual Privacy Policies

Understanding the real impact of Meta’s privacy policies is essential. Meta has clarified that it uses user-generated content, such as photos and text posts, to train its AI systems. Users concerned about data privacy can adjust their settings within Facebook and Instagram to limit data sharing. For more detailed guidance, users can refer to Snopes.

The Psychology Behind Viral Hoaxes

The rapid spread of the “Goodbye Meta AI” post highlights the psychology behind viral hoaxes. Fear and misinformation can quickly lead to mass participation, especially when privacy concerns are involved. Social media platforms serve as fertile ground for such trends, where misinformation can easily overshadow facts.

Why People Fall for Hoaxes

  1. Trust in Celebrity Endorsements: People tend to trust information shared by celebrities, believing it to be credible.

  2. Lack of Awareness: Many users are not aware of how digital privacy works, making them susceptible to misinformation.

  3. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): The urgency to protect personal data can lead users to participate without verifying the authenticity of the information.

How to Protect Your Data on Social Media

While the “Goodbye Meta AI” post is ineffective, there are legitimate ways to safeguard your data on social media platforms:

  1. Review Privacy Settings: Regularly check and update your privacy settings on Facebook and Instagram.

  2. Be Skeptical of Viral Trends: Before participating in viral trends, verify the information with credible sources.

  3. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about digital privacy rights and practices.


The “Goodbye Meta AI” trend serves as a reminder of the importance of digital literacy in the age of social media. While it highlights genuine concerns about data privacy, participating in such hoaxes does not offer any real protection. Users must rely on verified information and take proactive measures to secure their data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ post legally binding?

No, the post is not legally binding and does not prevent Meta from using your data. For more information, refer to Time Magazine.

Can celebrities influence the effectiveness of such posts?

Celebrity participation does not enhance the legal standing of such posts, as highlighted by BBC.

How can I truly protect my data on social media?

To protect your data, adjust your privacy settings and stay informed about digital privacy practices. Refer to Snopes for detailed guidance.

What should I do if I’ve shared the ‘Goodbye Meta AI’ post?

If you’ve shared the post, it’s advisable to inform your followers about its ineffectiveness and encourage them to verify information before sharing.

By understanding the nuances of social media trends and their implications, users can make informed decisions and protect their digital presence effectively.



News for Neanderthals

Date: September 25, 2024, 9:48 AM GMT

Executive summary: This week’s news is dominated by new discoveries about Neanderthals, including a cave in France that may hold clues to their disappearance, the sequencing of the DNA of the ‘Last Neanderthal’, and the first case of Down syndrome among Neanderthals. These discoveries are shedding new light on the lives and evolution of our ancient cousins.

Neanderthal Discoveries

Cave discovery in France may explain why Neanderthals disappeared, scientists say

The fossilized remains of a Neanderthal discovered in a cave in southern France have shed fresh light on why these ancient humans may have disappeared 40,000 years ago. The discovery, reported in the journal Nature, suggests that Neanderthals may have been more susceptible to climate change than previously thought. The cave, located in the Ardèche region, contains evidence of a sudden shift in the environment, from a warm and temperate climate to a much colder and drier one. The Neanderthal remains, which date back to around 40,000 years ago, show signs of malnutrition and disease, suggesting that the population was struggling to survive in the harsh new conditions. This discovery is significant because it provides strong evidence to support the theory that climate change played a major role in the extinction of Neanderthals.
AOL.com (1 day ago)

Scientists Sequenced the DNA of the ‘Last Neanderthal’—and It Alters Human History

Remains of a Neanderthal who may have roamed the Earth 42,000 years ago offer insight into an isolated people. Scientists were able to sequence the DNA of the ‘Last Neanderthal’ from a fossil found in a cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia. The genetic analysis revealed that this Neanderthal belonged to a small, isolated population that had been living in this region for thousands of years. The study, published in the journal Nature, also found that this Neanderthal’s DNA was more similar to the DNA of Neanderthals who lived in Europe than to those who lived in other parts of Asia. This suggests that there was significant gene flow between Neanderthals in different regions, even though they were geographically separated.
Yahoo News UK (22 hours ago)

First case of Down syndrome among Neanderthals is discovered

Scientists have discovered the first case of Down syndrome among Neanderthals after analyzing a fossil found in Spain. The fossil, which belonged to a six-year-old Neanderthal child, was found in the El Sidrón cave in Asturias, Spain. The analysis of the fossil’s teeth and bones revealed that the child had an extra copy of chromosome 21, the genetic marker for Down syndrome. This discovery is significant because it shows that Neanderthals, like humans, were susceptible to genetic disorders.
MSN (2 days ago)

Puzzling fossil discovery could reveal why Neanderthals disappeared

This week, scientists are examining a puzzling new fossil discovery that could reveal why Neanderthals disappeared. The fossil, found in a cave in the Caucasus Mountains, is a partial skeleton of a Neanderthal child. The child’s bones show signs of severe malnutrition and disease. The researchers believe that the child’s death may have been caused by a combination of factors, including climate change, disease, and competition with early humans. This discovery is significant because it provides further evidence that Neanderthals were struggling to survive in the harsh conditions of the Late Pleistocene.
AOL.com (1 week ago)

Study reveals why humans outlived Neanderthals

A new study of teeth indicates that humans provided prolonged childcare to their offspring, while young Neanderthals may have gained earlier independence. The study, published in the journal Nature, looked at the teeth of both Neanderthals and early humans. The researchers found that the teeth of early humans showed signs of prolonged childhood, with the enamel on their teeth being more worn than the enamel on the teeth of Neanderthals. This suggests that early humans were able to rely on their parents for longer, which allowed them to develop more complex skills and knowledge. The researchers believe that this difference in child-rearing practices may have contributed to the extinction of Neanderthals.
MSN (2 days ago)

Neanderthal Ancestors

Archaeologists uncover remains of allegedly new human species

In an archaeological site between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in Israel, an international group of researchers has discovered fragments of a peculiar skull that might belong to a previously unknown species of human. The skull, estimated to be around 140,000 years old, exhibits features distinct from both Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. The researchers are cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a new human species, but further analysis is required to confirm their findings.
MSN (1 day ago)

Neanderthal Genetics

The first known Neanderthal family has been found by researchers, with their prehistoric DNA providing fresh insight into the archaic species’ social structure.

The first known Neanderthal family has been found by researchers, with their prehistoric DNA providing fresh insight into the archaic species’ social structure. The family was discovered in a cave in Siberia, and their DNA suggests that they were closely related and lived together. The discovery is significant because it provides new information about the social structure of Neanderthals.
The Daily Beast (23 months ago)

As much as 4 percent of their DNA is found in people living today, mostly in genes that make keratin, found in skin, hair, and nails. One Neanderthal gene is linked to a higher risk of depression.

Researchers have discovered that Neanderthals may have contributed more to the modern human gene pool than previously thought. A new study published in the journal Nature found that as much as 4 percent of the DNA of people living today is derived from Neanderthals. This is a significant increase from previous estimates, which placed the figure at around 2 percent. The study also found that Neanderthal DNA is more prevalent in people living in certain regions, such as Europe and Asia. This suggests that Neanderthals interbred with early humans in these regions, and that these interbreeding events were more common than previously thought.
The Daily Beast (67 months ago)

Neanderthal Culture

Unearthing the Neanderthal, digitally

Some 30,000 years ago, people of the species known as Neanderthal inexplicably vanished from their habitat in Europe. Now, thanks to advanced digital imaging techniques, scientists are able to create detailed 3D models of Neanderthal skeletons, providing new insights into their anatomy, behaviour and lifestyle. This new technology is allowing scientists to study Neanderthal remains in unprecedented detail, revealing more about their complex lives.
Photonics Spectra (73 months ago)

Face of a 75,000-year-old Neanderthal woman revealed by scientists

The skull of an ancient Neanderthal woman has been rebuilt centuries after it was smashed into pieces in a cave in Kurdistan in northern Iraq. Scientists were able to use advanced 3D imaging techniques to reconstruct the skull, revealing the face of this ancient woman who lived 75,000 years ago. The reconstruction reveals that Neanderthals had a more robust and muscular build than modern humans, with prominent brow ridges and a receding chin. However, the reconstruction also reveals that Neanderthals were capable of complex social interactions, as evidenced by the presence of intricate burial rituals.
MSN (1 day ago)

Neanderthal Warfare

War at the comfort of a buzzer

Neanderthals and even Scots Clansmen fought bloody battles face to face and eye to eye. Modern technology enables armies to fight the enemy at the push of a button. Today’s wars are fought with sophisticated weapons and technology, but the underlying human desire for conflict remains the same.
Modern Ghana (22 hours ago)

Neanderthal Religion

Why Michael Knowles Reverted to Catholicism, The American Boniface, Neanderthals in Genesis, and More Great Links!

This week, we have a range of fascinating articles, including the story of Michael Knowles’ conversion to Catholicism, the impact of the American Boniface, and the intriguing link between Neanderthals and the Book of Genesis.
National Catholic Register (14 hours ago)

Neanderthal Extinction

Why Michael Knowles Reverted to Catholicism, The American Boniface, Neanderthals in Genesis, and More Great Links!

While there are many theories, the exact reason why Neanderthals disappeared remains a mystery. Some experts believe that climate change played a significant role, while others suggest that competition with early humans led to their extinction.
National Catholic Register (14 hours ago)

Eastern Equine Encephalitis: A Deadly Threat in New York

Date: September 25, 2024, 12:00 PM GMT

Executive summary: Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), a rare but serious mosquito-borne disease, has claimed the life of a New York resident, marking the first human death from the virus in the state since 2015. The death has prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to declare EEE an "imminent threat to public health," leading to increased mosquito control efforts and warnings for residents to take precautions against mosquito bites.

News about EEE

New York declares ‘imminent threat’ after first death from eastern equine encephalitis in decade


The first human case of Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in New York since 2015 has resulted in a death, prompting the state to declare the virus an "imminent threat." The death occurred in Ulster County, and the governor’s office has announced increased mosquito control efforts and public health warnings.

The Independent (14 hours ago)

New York resident with state’s first case of mosquito-borne EEE virus in nearly a decade has died

The first resident to contract Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in New York State since 2015 has died, according to Governor Hochul’s office. The case was confirmed in Ulster County and has raised concerns about the spread of the virus.

New York Post (19 hours ago)

First EEE death in N.Y. prompts Hochul to declare imminent threat

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has declared the mosquito-borne EEE virus an imminent threat to the public after the death of a person in Ulster County. The state is launching mosquito mitigation efforts, including spraying and making insect repellent available for visitors at state parks and campgrounds.

UnionLeader.com (20 hours ago)

New York has first death from eastern equine encephalitis in nearly 10 years

The Ulster County individual with New York’s first eastern equine encephalitis case in almost 10 years has died, Gov. Kathy Hochul said Monday as she declared the mosquito-borne illness an "imminent threat." The death follows recent reports of EEE cases in other states.

Newsday (4 hours ago)

New York state confirms first eastern equine encephalitis death in Ulster County

New York state officials confirmed the first fatality in the state from eastern equine encephalitis, more commonly known as EEE. The death occurred in Ulster County, and the governor has declared the virus an "imminent threat."

WPTZ (12 hours ago)

Videos about EEE

EEE declared an "imminent threat" in New York


New York state announced Monday that someone in Ulster County has died from eastern equine encephalitis​, or EEE. CBS News New York’s Jenna DeAngelis reports.

YouTube (2:18) (9 hours ago)

One person in NY has died after contracting Eastern Equine …


The first resident to contract Eastern Equine Encephalitis, also known as EEE, in New York State since 2015 has died, according to Governor Hochul’s office.

YouTube (2:37) (19 hours ago)

‘BREAKING OVERNIGHT: EEE death reported in New York’


A person in New York died of the mosquito-borne virus EEE, health officials reported. For more Local News from WFSB: https://www.wfsb.com/ For more YouTube …

YouTube (1:01) (20 hours ago)

First Human EEE Death in NY in Nine Years


The New York State Department of Health announced on Monday that the first human case of EEE in New York since 2015 has died.

YouTube (1:12) (18 hours ago)

‘Public Health Alert : New York”s First E.E.E Death since 2015 …’


The first person to be diagnosed with Eastern equine encephalitis in New York in nearly a decade has died, prompting Gov. Kathy Hochul to declare the rare, …

YouTube (0:25) (17 hours ago)

Other news about EEE

NY Sees First Death From EEE Virus—How to Protect Yourself

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has tragically claimed its first New York victim in nearly a decade, leading to a state of emergency. While the virus is rare, it is serious, with a high fatality rate.

Time Magazine (10 hours ago)

Second US death from EEE mosquito virus reported in New York, residents warned

A second death from the EEE virus has been reported in the United States, this time in New York. The virus, which is spread by mosquitoes, has been identified in seven states across the country.

USA Today (14 hours ago)

New Yorker dies of eastern equine encephalitis

A person in New York state has died after contracting eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), according to the Governor Kathy Hochul’s office. The case was confirmed in Ulster County, marking the first human case of the rare, mosquito-borne illness in the state since 2015.

Crain’s New York Business (23 hours ago)

‘New Yorker Dies of Rare Mosquito-Borne Illness: ”Imminent Threat” Declared’

A New York resident has died from a rare mosquito-borne illness known as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). The death has prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to declare the virus an "imminent threat to public health," leading to increased mosquito control efforts and warnings for residents to take precautions against mosquito bites.

Newsweek (14 hours ago)

With EEE and West Nile virus on the rise, mosquito season is far from over

A New York resident who tested positive last week for a rare mosquito-borne illness has died. The death, attributed to Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), has prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to declare the virus an "imminent threat to public health."

New York Post (15 hours ago)

Reddit discussions about EEE

New York on ‘high alert’ after woman dies of EEE virus

A woman has died after being bitten by a mosquito in New York. She became the first person to die from eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in the state in nearly a decade. The death has prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to declare the virus an "imminent threat to public health" and has raised concerns about the spread of the virus.

Reddit (14 hours ago)

New York on ‘high alert’ after woman dies of EEE virus

A woman has died after being bitten by a mosquito in New York. She became the first person to die from eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) in the state in nearly a decade. The death has prompted Governor Kathy Hochul to declare the virus an "imminent threat to public health" and has raised concerns about the spread of the virus.

Reddit (14 hours ago)

New York Resident Dies Of Rare Mosquito-Borne Virus …

New York Resident Dies Of Rare Mosquito-Borne Virus Known As Eastern Equine Encephalitis … Two years after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini we will never …

Reddit (14 hours ago)

New York resident with state’s first case of mosquito-borne …

[Local] – New York resident with state’s first case of mosquito-borne EEE virus in nearly a decade has died.

Reddit (19 hours ago)

‘Animal sighting : r/burlington’

… rocketbunnyrabbit. • in 15h •. I’m sorry, I was lost in contemplative thought about my own mortality and lost track of time. Upvote 10. Downvote Reply reply

Reddit (15 hours ago)

What day does recycling go out in the Old North End? Can’t …

Howdy! As the title says – I tried looking on the Burlington public works website, but the link is broken. I can’t find this info online anywhere.

Reddit (15 hours ago)

‘ISO kitten : r/burlington’

I’m looking to get a kitten for free or cheap around the Burlington area I can go a little further like Essex or such.

Reddit (15 hours ago)

‘Other COVID-Conscious Folks? : r/Albany’

Stay home if you are sick, whether with Covid or any other illness, otherwise just live your life. … Avoid mosquitoes; eastern equine encephalitis has been …

Reddit (15 hours ago)

‘What to do : r/burlington’

Horribly racist and violent things, death threats and vulgarities echoing off the storefronts. … Burlington deemed at risk for Eastern equine encephalitis. 142 …

Reddit (15 hours ago)

Dating in Albany

Death. Taxes. People agreeing that it sucks trying to meet people in … Avoid mosquitoes; eastern equine encephalitis has been identified nearby. 135 …

Reddit (19 hours ago)

This is a serious public health concern, and it is important to be aware of the risks and take precautions.

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