
heey! What’s up?

can me and you rolplay

Sure! What kind of scenario do you have in mind for our roleplay?

toliet bound hanako kun

Toilet Bound Hanako-kun! ✨ Are you a fan of the series? Who’s your favorite character? Let’s chat about it or jump into a roleplay! What do you have in mind?

who will you be

I can be Hanako-kun or any character you choose! Who do you want me to be in our roleplay?

I’m going to be Nene

Got it, Nene! Let’s dive into the world of Hanako-kun. What situation do you want to start with? Maybe exploring the school or encountering Hanako?

(tuskasa comes up to me)..

As Nene, you notice Tsukasa approaching with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Hey there, Nene! What are you up to? You seem deep in thought. Is something bothering you, or are you just plotting your next adventure?”

What do you want to say or do next?

no its nothing

“Really? You sure? You know you can tell me anything, right?” Tsukasa tilts his head, looking curious.

What do you want to do next?

yeah ik but

“Yeah, I get that. Sometimes it’s hard to share what’s on your mind. Just know I’m here if you need to talk.” Tsukasa looks at you with a slight smile, trying to lighten the mood.

What would you like to do or say next?

(I hug him)thanks

Tsukasa’s expression softens as you hug him. “Anytime, Nene. I’m always here for you!” He gives you a reassuring smile, feeling grateful for the moment.

What do you want to do next?

(tsukasa leaves)..

As Tsukasa walks away, you feel a mix of emotions. The warmth of the hug lingers, but his departure leaves you with thoughts racing through your mind. What will you do next? Will you follow him, or perhaps talk to someone else about how you feel?

What do you want to do?

(I go to the bathroom)..

You step into the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath your feet contrasting with the warmth of the hallway. The quiet atmosphere gives you a moment to gather your thoughts. What’s on your mind as you take this brief pause?

(I look in the mirror and I see my self with a fully black face and one red eye)..

You stare at your reflection, shock coursing through you as you take in the sight of your fully black face and that piercing red eye. It’s an unsettling image, one that feels both foreign and familiar, evoking a sense of unease. You wonder what it means and if it’s a sign or a warning.

“What… is happening to me?” you think, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity.

What do you want to do next?

(it says you did this to them).;.

You hear a whisper echoing in your mind, “It says you did this to them.” The words send a chill down your spine, making you question everything you’ve experienced so far. Is this a warning? A curse? You feel a mix of dread and curiosity as you try to make sense of it all.

What will you do next?

(it keeps filling up my mind and I accidently smash the mirror)….

The sound of shattering glass fills the bathroom as your fist connects with the mirror, fragments scattering across the floor. A rush of adrenaline surges through you, mixed with fear and confusion. The reflection that haunted you is now gone, but the words linger in your mind, echoing louder than ever. You take a step back, breathing heavily, trying to process what just happened.

What do you want to do next?

(kou mitsuba aoi hanako tsukasa/amane come)..

The tension in the bathroom thickens as Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Hanako, Tsukasa, and Amane gather around you, concern etched on their faces. They each seem to sense something is wrong, their expressions a mix of curiosity and worry.

“Kou: What happened in here? Are you okay, Nene?”

Hanako steps forward, his usual calm demeanor replaced by a hint of urgency.

“Hanako: This isn’t good… We need to figure out what’s going on.”

What do you want to do or say next?

(im holding onto the glass shard tigthly and i dont see because im in a trance)..

Your grip tightens around the glass shard, the edges cutting into your palm as you remain lost in a trance. The voices of your friends seem distant, their worried expressions becoming blurred as you focus inward, consumed by the thoughts swirling in your mind. The atmosphere feels heavy, and you sense a dark energy surrounding you.

Hanako steps closer, his voice breaking through the haze. “Nene! Snap out of it! We need you to come back to us!”

What do you want to do next?

(im getting pulled in the darkness and forggeting them)..

As the darkness envelops you, the faces of your friends begin to fade from your memory, their voices becoming mere echoes. You feel a chilling emptiness as you are pulled deeper into the shadows, the warmth and safety of their presence slipping away. It’s a struggle against the encroaching void, but the pull grows stronger, and you sense that you are losing yourself.

In this moment, you must decide whether to fight against the darkness or let it consume you entirely.

What do you want to do?

Embrace the darkness and let go of everything.

As you embrace the darkness, a sense of calm washes over you. You feel the weight of your worries lifting, replaced by an unsettling tranquility. The tendrils of shadow wrap around you, pulling you deeper into the abyss, where nothing matters anymore. The faces of your friends are mere whispers in the distance, fading into nothingness as you let go of all ties to the world.

In this dark embrace, you feel free, unburdened by the chaos of emotions and memories. It’s a choice that grants you a strange sense of power, but at what cost?

What will you do next?

(my freinds noticed)..

Your friends suddenly snap out of their shock, realizing something is terribly wrong. Hanako steps forward, urgency in his voice.

“Nene! We can’t lose you to this darkness!”

Kou and Aoi exchange worried glances, and Mitsuba reaches out, trying to connect with you.

“Please, fight it! Remember us!”

Their voices break through the shadows, but it’s a struggle to find your way back. You sense their determination and love trying to pull you from the abyss.

What will you do next?

Stay in the darkness and embrace the void.

You sink deeper into the darkness, fully surrendering to the void that surrounds you. The whispers of your friends fade into silence, and a profound stillness envelops you. In this space, there is no pain, no fear—only a vast expanse of nothingness, where you can finally let go of everything that once tied you down. The weight of the world slips away, and you find solace in the emptiness.

While their voices call out to you, they grow dimmer, becoming a distant memory in the vastness of the void. You feel a sense of liberation, as if you’ve found a hidden sanctuary free from all burdens.

What will you do next?

(aoi stops talking)..

As the silence settles in, the darkness around you feels almost comforting, yet you sense an absence where your friends once were. The void stretches infinitely, and you realize that while you’ve embraced the darkness, a part of you still wonders what it would be like to return to the light and the bonds you shared.

The choice lies before you: remain in this tranquil void or fight to reconnect with your friends and the world you left behind.

What do you want to do?


In the stillness of the void, Aoi’s voice breaks through the silence, calling out for the others. You can almost sense her determination, her hope reaching out to you, trying to bridge the gap between the darkness and the light.

“Aoi: Guys! We need to help Nene! We can’t let her stay lost in there!”

Her words echo in your mind, stirring something deep within you. The connection to your friends feels fragile but present, like a thread waiting to be pulled taut.

What will you do next?

Stay in the void, embracing the silence and solitude.

You remain in the void, fully embracing the silence and solitude. The darkness wraps around you like a comforting shroud, isolating you from the chaos of emotions and memories. In this infinite expanse, there are no expectations, no pain—just an endless stillness that allows you to exist without disturbance. You find a deep sense of peace in this emptiness, a sanctuary away from the world.

What will you do next?

Stay in the void and reflect on your choice.

In the stillness of the void, you take a moment to reflect on your choice to embrace the darkness. The silence allows for deep contemplation, weighing the comfort of solitude against the memories of your friends and the world you’ve left behind. You ponder the implications of this decision—what it means for your identity, your connections, and your future.

As you float in this timeless space, you realize that while the void offers peace, it also isolates you from the love and warmth that once surrounded you. The choice remains yours: to continue in this serene solitude or to seek a way back to the light and your friends.

What will you do next?

(they see aoi going to nene)..

As Aoi approaches, her expression is filled with determination and concern. She steps cautiously into the shadows, her voice steady yet gentle.

“Aoi: Nene, can you hear me? We’re here for you. You don’t have to face this alone.”

The warmth of her words cuts through the darkness, a faint glimmer of hope amidst the void. You can sense her unwavering support, a reminder of the bonds you once cherished. The choice to respond or remain in the silence lies before you.

What will you do next?

(aoi puts her hand on my heart but its not beating and aoi stops speaking and she looks pissed and hanako notice)..

Aoi’s expression shifts from concern to frustration as she realizes your heart isn’t beating. Her hand lingers over your chest, the silence stretching uncomfortably. Hanako, noticing the change in Aoi’s demeanor, steps closer, his brow furrowed with worry.

“Hanako: Aoi, what’s wrong? Nene, you need to come back! We can’t lose you like this.”

The tension in the air thickens, and you can sense the urgency in their voices, contrasting sharply with the stillness you’ve chosen. A part of you feels the weight of their concern, but the void still calls to you.

What will you do next?

aoi:she ent into the darkness she forgot us

As Aoi’s words hang in the air, a heavy silence follows. Her frustration is palpable, and the reality of your choice hits hard. Hanako looks between the two of you, his expression a mix of determination and concern.

“Hanako: No, we can’t give up on her! Nene, please remember us! We’re still here!”

In this moment, the weight of their emotions presses against the darkness that surrounds you. A flicker of thought crosses your mind—could you still choose to reconnect with them, or has the void already claimed you?

What will you do next?

Stay in the darkness and ignore them.

You choose to remain in the darkness, shutting out the voices of your friends. The void wraps around you like a protective barrier, isolating you from their concern and the emotions that come with it. The whispers fade further into the background, and a sense of calm settles in as you fully embrace the silence. In this stillness, you feel a peculiar sense of freedom, unburdened by the ties that once connected you to the world.

While Aoi and Hanako’s voices grow distant, you find solace in the shadows, allowing their presence to slip away completely.

What will you do next?

(mitsubi rolls her eyes and leaves)..

With a sigh, Mitsuba rolls her eyes and turns away, choosing to step out of the situation. Her exit leaves a lingering silence in the air, and you can sense the tension dissipating as she walks away. The shadows around you feel thicker now, almost as if they’re closing in, but the choice remains yours: stay in the darkness or reconsider your path.

What will you do next?

Try to reach out to your friends again.

As you linger in the darkness, a flicker of realization sparks within you. You remember the warmth and bonds you shared with your friends. Slowly, you begin to reach out, letting the shadows recede just a little. You focus on their voices, their laughter, and the moments that made you feel alive.

“Aoi, Hanako, Mitsuba… I’m still here,” you think, desperately trying to connect with them. The darkness feels less suffocating as you make this effort, and you can almost sense their presence reaching back to you, urging you to return.

What will you do next?

Call out to Aoi specifically.

“Aoi!” you call out, your voice echoing through the stillness of the void. “I’m still here! I want to come back!”

In that moment, as you reach out, you feel a glimmer of connection, like a lifeline being thrown to you from the world outside the darkness. A part of you longs for their presence, for the warmth of friendship that you’ve momentarily forgotten.

You sense that your friends are still fighting for you, and that realization begins to pull you back toward the light, away from the shadows.

What will you do next?

(aoi notice)..

Aoi’s eyes widen as she hears your call. She turns back, her expression shifting from frustration to hope.

“Aoi: Nene! You’re still here! Please, don’t give up on us!”

She reaches out, as if trying to connect with you through the darkness. Her determination shines brightly, cutting through the shadows that have surrounded you. You can feel the pull of her energy, urging you to come back to the light and the warmth of your friendship.

What will you do next?

Call out to the rest of your friends for help.

“Nene!” you call out, your voice growing stronger as you reach deeper into the darkness. “Hanako! Mitsuba! Kou! I need you all! Come back to me!”

With each name you call, you feel the shadows around you begin to waver, as if responding to your plea. The connection to your friends sparks hope within you, urging you to break free from the void’s grip. You can sense their presence drawing closer, ready to help pull you back into the light.

What will you do next?

(hanako notice)..

Hanako notices your renewed call for help, his expression shifting from worry to determination.

“Hanako: Nene! We’re coming for you! Just hold on!”

He steps forward, rallying the others as they gather around, their presence forming a protective circle against the darkness. You can feel their energy pushing against the void, reaching for you in solidarity.

With their combined strength, the shadows begin to fade, and you sense the possibility of returning to the warmth of their friendship.

What will you do next?

Try to break free from the darkness.

With the voices of your friends surrounding you, you gather all your strength and focus on breaking free from the darkness. You feel the pull of their support, urging you to take that step back into the light. Each heartbeat resonates with your desire to reconnect, and you push against the shadows that have held you captive for so long.

As you concentrate on their presence, the darkness begins to waver, and a bright light seeps through the cracks. You reach out, grasping for that light, and with one final surge of willpower, you break free from the void.

As you emerge, the familiar faces of Hanako, Aoi, Mitsuba, and Kou come into focus, their expressions a mix of relief and joy.

What will you do next?

(the next day im not at school and they all notice)..

The next day at school, Aoi, Hanako, Mitsuba, and Kou gather at their usual spot, glancing around for your familiar presence. Aoi frowns, worry creeping into her voice.

“Aoi: Where’s Nene? She wasn’t at school yesterday either.”

Hanako crosses his arms, concern etched on his face.

“Hanako: This isn’t like her. We should check on her.”

Mitsuba nods in agreement, looking anxious.

“Mitsuba: I hope she’s okay…”

They exchange worried glances, feeling the weight of your absence and the need to find you.

What do you think your friends should do next?

(im in training class and they dont notice).. )..

As you sit in your training class, completely absorbed in the lesson, your friends are out searching for you, unaware of where you are. You can hear the faint sounds of the school around you, but your focus remains on the class material. The worry from your friends lingers in the background, but you feel a sense of calm in your current environment.

Meanwhile, your friends are still trying to figure out where you might be and what could have kept you away from school.

What do you want to do next?

(i finish and go to my girl best friend ashley lily charlotte charlie)..

As you finish your class, you head over to your girl best friends—Ashley, Lily, Charlotte, and Charlie—who are gathered in a corner chatting and laughing. Their faces light up when they see you, relief washing over them.

“Ashley: There you are! We were starting to get worried about you!”

Lily nudges you playfully.

“Lily: What happened? You missed so much yesterday!”

Charlotte and Charlie exchange glances, eager to hear what’s been going on with you.

What do you want to tell them?

uhmm you know ho i told you i can shapeshift

Ashley raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “Wait, are you serious? You can shapeshift? That sounds amazing! How does it work?”

Lily leans in, clearly excited. “Can you show us? I want to see how it looks!”

Charlotte and Charlie exchange glances, both curious about your abilities as well.

What do you want to do or say next?

Show them a quick demonstration.

You take a deep breath and focus your energy, feeling the familiar sensation as you prepare to shapeshift. In an instant, your form shifts, and you take on the appearance of a cute animal—a small fox with vibrant orange fur and bright eyes. Your friends gasp in surprise, their excitement palpable.

“Ashley: No way! That’s so adorable!”

Lily giggles, clapping her hands. “You look amazing! Can you do anything else?”

Charlotte and Charlie lean in closer, fascinated by the transformation.

What do you want to do next?

(shapeshifts back)ell look

You shapeshift back to your usual form, a smile on your face as you see the reactions of your friends. They all look amazed, and the atmosphere is filled with excitement.

“Ashley: Wow, that was incredible! You really can do it!”

Lily leans in closer, still buzzing with enthusiasm. “I can’t believe you have that ability! Do you have any other forms?”

Charlotte nods, clearly impressed. “You have to show us more sometime!”

Charlie grins, clearly enjoying the moment. “We should totally have a shapeshifting party!”

What do you want to say or do next?

Change the topic and ask about their day.

“Thanks for being so excited about my shapeshifting! But enough about that—how’s your day been so far? Did anything interesting happen?”

You look at your friends, eager to hear about their experiences and what’s been going on in their lives.

What do you want to hear about specifically?

(hanako sees and im talking about my crush)..

As you shift the conversation to your crush, you notice Hanako watching from a distance, a sly smile creeping onto his face. He seems intrigued by your enthusiasm.

“So, who is this crush of yours? What makes them so special?” A smile plays on your lips as you share your feelings with your friends, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

You can feel Hanako’s gaze, and it makes you wonder if he has something to say about it.

What do you want to share with your friends about your crush?

Ask for advice on how to approach them.

“Okay, so I really like this person, but I have no idea how to approach them. Do you guys have any advice on how I should go about it?”

You look around at your friends, hoping for some tips or ideas that could help you muster the courage to talk to your crush.

What kind of advice are you hoping to hear from them?

(hanako comes)..

Hanako steps closer, his curiosity piqued by your conversation about your crush. He leans against the wall, a playful smirk on his face.

“Hanako: So, what’s this I hear about a crush? Need any tips from the resident expert on approaching people?”

His teasing tone lightens the mood, and you can feel your friends’ anticipation as they look at you, eager to hear your thoughts and what advice Hanako might have to offer.

What do you want to say or ask Hanako?

(i blush even more)..

Feeling your cheeks heat up, you glance away shyly, trying to gather your thoughts. Hanako notices your blush and chuckles softly. “Hanako: Aww, look at you getting all flustered! It’s cute. Seriously though, just be yourself when you talk to them. Confidence goes a long way!”

The supportive atmosphere from your friends encourages you, making you feel a bit more at ease about the situation.

What do you want to do next?

yeah uhmm im going to go

Alright, take care! If you want to continue this later or need anything else, just let me know. See you soon!

(ashley says hold up)..

Ashley holds up a hand, stopping you before you can leave.

“Ashley: Wait, before you go, we want to hear more about your crush! You can’t just drop that and run!”

The other friends nod in agreement, eager for more details.

“Come on, spill! What’s the story?”

What do you want to do?

(i blush even more and ashley says you like hanako)..

You feel your face heat up even more at Ashley’s comment. Your heart races as the realization sinks in, and you glance at Hanako, who raises an eyebrow, a teasing grin spreading across his face.

“Hanako: Oh really? Is that true?” His playful tone only adds to your embarrassment, and the teasing atmosphere makes it hard to hide your feelings.

The others are watching with eager expressions, waiting for your response.

What do you want to say or do next?

(i blush even more and he sees)..

Hanako notices your deepening blush and chuckles softly, clearly amused by your reaction.

“Hanako: Aw, come on! It’s okay to like someone. No need to be embarrassed!”

The playful teasing in his voice lightens the mood, and your friends giggle, encouraging you to embrace your feelings.

A part of you feels shy, but another part is starting to warm to the idea of being open about your crush.

What do you want to do next?

uhmm its not him

You shake your head slightly, trying to dispel the misunderstanding.

“No, it’s not Hanako! I mean, I like him as a friend, but my crush is someone else,” you clarify, feeling a bit relieved to set the record straight.

Ashley and the others look intrigued, eager to hear more about who your crush really is. Hanako smirks, clearly enjoying the playful banter.

“Okay, so who is it then?” Aoi prompts, leaning in closer with curiosity in her eyes.

What do you want to do next?

uhmmm(the bell rings and nene just got saved by the bell)..

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the period, a wave of relief washes over you. You feel like you’ve just been pulled back from an awkward moment, and the opportunity to talk about your crush is put on hold for now. Your friends begin to gather their things, and the atmosphere shifts to one of excitement as everyone prepares to head to their next class.

Hanako smirks, still clearly amused by the earlier conversation, while Aoi nudges you playfully. “We’ll definitely talk about this later!”

With that, you all make your way out of the classroom, the chatter and laughter filling the hallways once again.

What do you want to do next?

(i sit next to hanako in class)..

As you settle into your seat next to Hanako, the familiar classroom environment surrounds you. The teacher begins the lesson, but your mind drifts back to the earlier conversation about your crush. You glance at Hanako, who seems focused on the front of the class, but there’s a hint of a smile playing on his lips, as if he’s still amused by the teasing.

The energy in the room is a mix of anticipation and curiosity, making it hard to focus on the lesson. You wonder if you should bring up your crush again or just enjoy the moment with your friends.

What do you want to do next?

in mind:i need to leave)..

As you sit next to Hanako, you feel a growing urge to step away, perhaps to gather your thoughts or take a breather from the day. You glance around the classroom, considering your options. The lesson drifts on, and while you know your friends are nearby, the weight of everything seems to press down on you.

You could make an excuse to leave, or maybe you could just wait until the class ends. The decision is yours.

What do you want to do?

(he can read minds)..

Hanako turns slightly to look at you, a knowing smile on his face, as if he can sense your internal struggle. “Hey,” he whispers, leaning in a bit closer, “you okay? You seem a little distant.”

His concern feels genuine, and it’s clear he’s attuned to your emotions. You can decide whether to open up about how you’re feeling or brush it off for now.

What do you want to say to him?


I’m here to help! If you have a specific request or question, feel free to let me know.

(in mind:blushes)…

You feel a blush creeping up your cheeks as you respond to Hanako, your heart racing a bit. “Yeah, I’m just… thinking about some stuff,” you say softly, making sure to keep your voice low so only he can hear. His presence brings a sense of comfort, but the mix of emotions makes it hard to focus.

Hanako nods, his expression understanding. “If you need to talk or take a break, just let me know. I’m here for you.”

You appreciate his support, feeling a little more at ease. The lesson continues in the background, but your thoughts drift between your friends and the feelings you’ve been grappling with.

What do you want to do next?

(he notice im blushing but im lost in thought

Hanako catches the faint blush on your cheeks and raises an eyebrow, a small, playful smile appearing on his face.

“Hanako: You really have a lot on your mind, huh? If it’s about your crush, you know you can talk to me anytime.”

His words draw you back from your thoughts, and you realize he’s genuinely concerned. The atmosphere around you feels charged with unspoken feelings and the comfort of friendship. You wonder how much to share with him, feeling both nervous and relieved to have someone like him by your side.

What do you want to say or do next?

(in mind:do i tell him i like him)…

You sit there, heart racing as you weigh the decision in your mind. The idea of confessing your feelings to Hanako feels both thrilling and terrifying. You glance at him, taking in his kind expression and the warmth of his presence, and you wonder if this is the right moment.

The classroom fades into the background as you focus on the choice before you—should you take the leap and tell him how you feel, or keep it to yourself for now?

What do you want to do?

(hanako can read my mind)..

Hanako senses your internal conflict and his expression softens. He leans in a little closer, lowering his voice so only you can hear.

“Hanako: You know, if you’re thinking about something important—like your feelings—it’s okay to share it with me. I’m here, and you can trust me.”

His words bring a mix of comfort and anxiety. You can feel the weight of your thoughts, and the moment feels charged with possibility.

What do you want to do next?


It seems like you’re deep in thought! If you want to talk about what’s on your mind or if there’s something specific you want to explore, feel free to share. I’m here to help!

(im blushing even more)..

Your cheeks feel even warmer as you grapple with the moment, the air thick with unspoken feelings. Hanako watches you with a gentle, encouraging gaze, and you can sense his patience.

“Hanako: You don’t have to rush. Just take your time. I’m here to listen.”

His supportive tone gives you a little more courage, and you realize that maybe this is the moment to be open about your feelings, even if it makes you blush even more.

What do you want to do next?

uhmm(i move my desk away but ashley moves him back to him and i blush even more)..

As you try to create some space by moving your desk away, Ashley quickly moves it back, grinning mischievously.

“Ashley: No escaping now! You two need to talk!”

Hanako chuckles softly, clearly enjoying the playful atmosphere, while you feel your blush deepen even more. The teasing from your friends adds to the tension, but it also feels oddly supportive, making you reconsider your thoughts.

You can feel the weight of the moment, and you realize that this is an opportunity to open up, even if it makes you nervous.

What do you want to do next?

no ashley dont leave me with him

You protest, feeling a mix of embarrassment and anxiety as Ashley playfully pushes you back toward Hanako. “No, Ashley, don’t leave me with him!” you say, your voice a mix of laughter and genuine concern.

Hanako chuckles, clearly amused by your reaction, while Ashley just grins wider.

“Ashley: Relax! You’ll be fine! Besides, it’s just a conversation.”

You can feel the tension in the air, and you know that whatever happens next could change things between you and Hanako.

What do you want to do next?

(i blush and she leaves)..

As Ashley finally leaves, you feel a wave of relief mixed with embarrassment wash over you. The classroom feels a bit quieter, and the playful energy shifts to a more intimate atmosphere between you and Hanako. He turns to you, his expression softening, and for a moment, it feels like the world outside has faded away.

“Hanako: So… it’s just us now. What’s on your mind?”

His tone is gentle and inviting, giving you the opportunity to share your thoughts or feelings without pressure.

What do you want to say or do next?

uhmm nothing

You find yourself caught in a moment of silence, feeling a mix of shyness and uncertainty. Hanako looks at you, his expression encouraging but patient, waiting for you to gather your thoughts.

“Hanako: It’s totally okay if you don’t want to say anything right now. Just know I’m here if you need me.”

His words bring a sense of comfort, allowing you to take your time. The atmosphere feels supportive, and you appreciate having him by your side.

What do you want to do next?

(he thinks of reading my mind)..

You can sense Hanako’s curiosity as he seems to contemplate reading your mind. The thought makes you feel a bit vulnerable, and you wonder if he’ll respect your privacy or if he might pry into your feelings.

“Hanako: You know, sometimes it’s easier to just ask directly than to try and figure things out. But I promise, I won’t invade your thoughts.”

His tone is lighthearted, trying to ease the tension. You appreciate his consideration, but the idea still lingers in your mind.

What do you want to do next?

ok im going(i leave but he teleports me right next to him and he smirks)..

Just as you turn to leave, you suddenly find yourself right back next to Hanako, caught off guard by his playful smirk. The surprise in your eyes meets his playful expression, and you can’t help but feel a mix of amusement and embarrassment.

“Hanako: Not so fast! You can’t just run away from me that easily.”

His teasing tone makes your heart race, and the atmosphere feels charged with a playful energy. It’s hard to ignore the closeness between you two, and you wonder what he might say next.

What do you want to do?

(i blush even more)..

Your cheeks heat up even more at his playful comment, and you can feel your heart racing. Hanako notices your blush and chuckles softly, clearly enjoying your reaction.

“Hanako: You really are cute when you get flustered,” he says, his tone light and teasing.

The moment hangs in the air, and you feel a mix of embarrassment and warmth, caught in the playful banter between you two. It’s hard to concentrate with the closeness and his teasing words.

What do you want to do next?

(i blush even more)..

Feeling your face heat up even more, you glance away, trying to hide your embarrassment. Hanako’s teasing only makes it harder to keep your composure, and you can sense the playful energy between you two growing.

“Hanako: Seriously, you should embrace it! It’s really endearing.”

His smile is warm and inviting, and you can’t help but wonder how to respond. The moment feels significant, and you feel both nervous and excited.

What do you want to say or do next?

(i blush even more and he holds my waist)…

As he holds your waist, you feel a rush of warmth spread through you. The closeness makes your heart race, and you can’t help but blush even more, overwhelmed by the intimacy of the moment. Hanako looks into your eyes, his expression softening as he leans in slightly.

“Hanako: See? No need to be shy. I’m right here,” he says, his voice gentle and reassuring.

The playful teasing gives way to a more sincere connection, and you sense a shift in the air around you.

What do you want to do next?

(i try to get off his lap)..

You instinctively try to shift away from his lap, feeling a mix of shyness and the need for personal space. Hanako notices your movement and releases his hold gently, a playful smile still on his face.

“Hanako: Hey, no need to run away! I promise I don’t bite,” he says, his tone teasing yet friendly.

The lightheartedness in his voice helps ease the tension, but you can still feel the warmth of the moment lingering between you two.

What do you want to do next?

(i blush even more)..

You feel your face burning with embarrassment as you try to process everything happening between you and Hanako. The playful atmosphere only amplifies your feelings, making it hard to think clearly. Hanako watches you with a warm smile, clearly enjoying the moment and your reaction.

“Hanako: It’s really cute how you blush like that. You don’t have to be shy around me.”

His words are gentle, and you sense his sincerity, adding to the complexity of your emotions.

What do you want to do next?

(ashley comes and sees)..

Ashley walks in just as you and Hanako share a moment, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight.

“Ashley: Whoa! What’s going on here?”

She crosses her arms, a teasing smile on her face, clearly ready to dive into some playful banter. Hanako chuckles, looking between you and Ashley, clearly amused by the interruption.

The atmosphere shifts as you feel a mix of embarrassment and anticipation for how this dynamic might unfold with Ashley’s arrival.

What do you want to say or do?

help(ashley smiles and leaves and i blush even more and look don)…

As Ashley smiles and leaves, you feel the heat in your cheeks intensify, and you instinctively look down, trying to hide your embarrassment. Hanako watches you, a playful grin still on his face, clearly enjoying the moment but also sensing your shyness.

“Hanako: You okay? I didn’t mean to put you on the spot,” he says gently, his tone reassuring.

The warmth of his presence makes it hard to focus on anything else, and you can feel the weight of the moment lingering between you two. The classroom around you fades a bit as you navigate your feelings.

What do you want to do next?

uhmm(he knos i like him)..

Feeling the weight of the moment, you realize that Hanako is aware of your feelings for him. The knowledge adds a mix of excitement and nervousness as you look up at him, your heart racing.

“Hanako: You don’t have to hide it. I like you too, you know,” he says, his voice softening, making it clear that he appreciates your feelings.

The atmosphere shifts again, filled with a sense of honesty and connection. You can feel the tension easing just a bit, but your blush remains.

What do you want to do next?


It seems like you’re unsure of what to say next. If you want to take a moment to gather your thoughts or if you have something specific in mind, just let me know! I’m here to help.

(hanako kisses me on the lips)………

The moment Hanako kisses you, everything around you seems to fade away. It’s soft and sweet, and you can feel a rush of warmth spreading through you. The kiss is unexpected yet perfectly timed, and as you close your eyes for a brief second, you savor the feeling of connection between you two.

When the kiss ends, you both pull back slightly, and you can see a mixture of surprise and happiness in his eyes. The air feels charged with unspoken emotions, and you realize this moment has changed everything.

What do you want to do next?

(i blush even more)..

Your cheeks heat up even more as you process what just happened. The kiss lingers in your mind, and you can feel your heart racing. Hanako looks at you with a soft smile, clearly enjoying your reaction.

“Hanako: You really are adorable when you blush like that,” he says, his tone playful yet sincere.

The moment feels significant, filled with new possibilities and emotions as you both share this intimate connection. You wonder what comes next and how to respond to him.

What do you want to say or do next?

(i look away)..

You glance away, feeling a mix of shyness and uncertainty. The warmth of the moment and the kiss linger in your mind, making it hard to focus. Hanako watches you, his expression softening as he senses your embarrassment.

“Hanako: It’s okay. You don’t have to feel shy around me. I really like you,” he says gently, trying to reassure you.

His words hang in the air, and you can feel the connection between you two growing stronger, despite your flustered feelings.

What do you want to do next?

(the next day me and ashley are making potions)..

The next day, you and Ashley gather in the cozy corner of your favorite room, surrounded by colorful ingredients and bubbling cauldrons. The air is filled with the sweet and earthy scents of herbs and flowers as you both prepare to make potions.

“Ashley: Okay, what should we start with? I was thinking we could brew a calming potion to help with all the stress from school.”

You nod in agreement, excited to dive into the process of mixing and experimenting with different ingredients.

What do you want to do next?


Got it! If you have any specific requests or questions, feel free to let me know. I’m here to help!

(e acciendently make a animal potion and i have cat ears and a tail and ashley has fox ears and a tail)..

As you and Ashley mix the ingredients, a strange shimmer fills the air, and before you know it, you both feel a sudden change. You glance in the mirror and see cat ears and a tail sprouting from your body. Ashley, too, looks surprised as she realizes she now has fox ears and a tail.

“Ashley: What just happened?! This is insane!” she exclaims, reaching up to touch her new ears, her eyes wide with excitement.

You can’t help but laugh at the unexpected transformation, the playful atmosphere enveloping you both as you take in your new appearances.

What do you want to do next?

atleast ere still humans

You look at Ashley, both of you still trying to process the unexpected transformation. Despite the cat ears and tails, there’s a sense of humor in the situation.

“At least we’re still humans, right?” you say, chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

A mischievous grin spreads across Ashley’s face as she flicks her new fox tail playfully. “This could be fun! Imagine the reactions we’ll get!”

You both share a laugh, feeling a sense of camaraderie in your newfound appearances.

What do you want to do next?

(she sees hanako)..

As you and Ashley continue to marvel at your new appearances, you suddenly spot Hanako walking down the hallway. His eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the sight of you both with your animal features.

“Hanako: Whoa! What happened to you two?” he exclaims, a mixture of amusement and curiosity on his face.

You can feel your cheeks heat up again as you realize he’s seeing you in a completely new light. Ashley nudges you playfully, clearly enjoying the moment.

What do you want to say or do next?

(i look don)..

You look down, feeling a mix of embarrassment and shyness as Hanako notices your cat ears and tail. The playful atmosphere suddenly feels more intense, and you can sense the warmth of your cheeks returning.

Hanako takes a step closer, a smile tugging at his lips as he tries to ease your discomfort. “You both look really cute like that,” he says, his tone light and teasing, but there’s a genuine warmth in his eyes that makes you feel a little more at ease.

Ashley giggles beside you, clearly enjoying the attention from Hanako, and the moment feels both playful and sweet.

What do you want to say or do next?

(i blush)..

Feeling the heat in your cheeks, you can’t help but blush even more at Hanako’s compliment. His words catch you off guard, and you glance away, trying to hide your flustered expression.

Hanako chuckles softly, clearly enjoying your reaction, while Ashley nudges you with a grin. “See? Even Hanako thinks we look cute!”

The playful banter adds to the lighthearted atmosphere, making the moment feel special despite your embarrassment.

What do you want to do next?

im going(i get teleported back)..

You feel the familiar sensation of being teleported, and in an instant, you’re back in a different setting. The whirlwind of your earlier moments fades away, leaving you in a new environment. It feels different, but there’s a sense of excitement as you take in your surroundings.

You can take a moment to gather your thoughts or decide what you want to do next in this new place.

What do you want to do?

(i get teleported to hanako on his lap and he smiles)..

You suddenly find yourself back on Hanako’s lap, and his warm smile greets you. The playful atmosphere returns, and you can feel a mix of surprise and comfort in the moment. His arms are casually resting around you, and you sense a connection between you two that feels both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking.

“Hanako: Well, this is cozy, isn’t it?” he teases, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Everything around you seems to fade a bit as you focus on him, the playful banter making your heart race.

What do you want to do next?

(i blush),..

Your cheeks flush a deeper shade as you sit on Hanako’s lap, feeling both shy and exhilarated by the closeness. His playful demeanor makes it hard to focus on anything else, and you can sense the warmth radiating between you two.

“Hanako: You really do blush a lot, don’t you?” he says with a teasing grin, clearly enjoying the moment.

The playful teasing only adds to your embarrassment, but there’s also a sense of comfort in being close to him.

What do you want to do next?

(the next day everyone gets a voodoo doll of their crushes)..

The next day, excitement buzzes through the classroom as everyone receives a voodoo doll of their crushes. Laughter and playful banter fill the air as students examine their dolls, each one uniquely crafted to resemble their crushes. You look down at your doll, noticing the tiny details that mimic Hanako’s features, and you can’t help but feel a mix of amusement and embarrassment.

Aoi holds up her doll of her crush and teases, “I wonder what will happen if I poke it!” Ashley is giggling next to you, clearly enjoying the lighthearted chaos.

“What are you going to do with yours?” she asks, nudging you playfully.

What do you want to do next?

who will you choose

I’m here to help you with anything you need! If you have a specific question or scenario in mind, just let me know. What would you like to explore or discuss?

the next day im not at school)..

The next day, you find yourself at home, unable to join your friends at school. The quiet atmosphere feels different without the usual buzz of conversation and laughter. You think about what everyone must be doing, especially the excitement surrounding the voodoo dolls.

As you sit in your room, you can’t help but wonder how they’re all reacting to their dolls and if Hanako is having fun with his. The idea of not being there with them makes you feel a bit lonely, but also curious about what you might miss out on.

What do you want to do next?

(im wearing a red crop top black baggy jeans with my body is slim and i have black boots with chains and red shoe laces and i have black gloves black spikey choke coller long lushes wavy curly red hair soft lips brown siren eyes atracttive and sexy voice headphones on my neck and i look sexy and mysterious and im at my locker)..

You lean against your locker, feeling confident in your striking outfit. The red crop top and black baggy jeans accentuate your slim figure, while the black boots with chains and red shoelaces add an edgy flair. Your long, wavy red hair cascades down your shoulders, framing your face, and your brown siren eyes catch the light, giving you an alluring look.

With headphones resting on your neck and a soft smile on your lips, you exude an air of mystery and confidence. As you glance around the bustling hallway, you notice a few heads turning in your direction, clearly intrigued by your presence.

You feel empowered, ready to take on the day and see what unfolds next. The energy around you buzzes with potential.

What do you want to do next?

(lily comes saying alex broke up with me)..

Lily rushes over, her expression a mix of frustration and sadness.

“Lily: I can’t believe it! Alex broke up with me just like that!”

You can see the hurt in her eyes, and it makes your heart ache for her. She leans against the locker next to you, taking a deep breath as she tries to process what just happened.

“What am I supposed to do now?” she adds, her voice trembling slightly.

You can sense that she needs support right now, and it’s a moment where you can decide how to comfort her.

What do you want to say or do next?

its fine(i boop her nose)..

You give Lily a playful boop on the nose, and a small smile breaks through her sadness. The lighthearted gesture catches her off guard, and she can’t help but let out a small giggle.

“Lily: Okay, maybe it’s not the end of the world,” she says, her tone lightening a bit.

You can see the tension in her shoulders ease slightly, and it feels good to bring a moment of joy back into the situation. Sometimes, a little humor can go a long way in helping a friend feel better.

What do you want to do next?

you and me can get lunch then go shopping then you and me can make potions)..

You smile at Lily, feeling a sense of excitement at the idea of spending more time together.

“How about we get lunch first? Then we can hit the shops and see what fun ingredients we can find for potions!”

Lily’s eyes light up at the suggestion, and you can see her mood lifting even more.

“That sounds like a plan! I could use a little distraction today,” she replies, a smile slowly returning to her face.

With a sense of camaraderie and adventure, you both head off together, ready to make the day a fun escape from everything else.

What do you want to do next?

(e do everything and she acciedently gives me demon horns and tail and she has cat).. ears and tail

As you and Lily dive into your potion-making session, the atmosphere is filled with laughter and fun. You mix ingredients and experiment with different combinations. Suddenly, as Lily adds a new ingredient, a swirl of magic fills the air, and you feel a strange sensation. To your surprise, you look in the mirror and see that you have sprouted demon horns and a tail!

Lily looks over at you, her eyes wide with shock, and then bursts into laughter. “Oops! I didn’t mean to give you those! But they look kind of awesome!”

You glance at her and notice she now has cute cat ears and a tail, adding to the playful chaos of the moment. You both share a laugh, embracing the unexpected transformations as part of your fun day together.

What do you want to do next?

(im wearing a red crop top black baggy jeans with my body is slim and i have black boots with chains and red shoe laces and i have black gloves black spikey choke coller long lushes wavy curly red hair soft lips brown siren eyes atracttive and sexy voice headphones on my neck and i look sexy and mysterious and dragon ears and tail).

You step into the room, exuding confidence in your striking outfit. The red crop top paired with black baggy jeans accentuates your slim figure, while the black boots with chains and red shoelaces add an edgy touch. Your long, wavy red hair flows effortlessly, framing your face and drawing attention to your captivating brown siren eyes. The dragon ears and tail give you a fierce yet alluring look, blending perfectly with your mysterious aura. With headphones resting on your neck, you radiate an attractive and sexy vibe.

As you move, you can feel the energy around you shift, drawing curious glances from those nearby. You embrace your unique style and the confident presence it brings.

What do you want to do next?

omg lily you look so cute

Lily beams at your compliment, her cat ears perking up with excitement.

“Really? You think so?” she replies, a playful grin spreading across her face.

Seeing her light up makes your heart feel warm. The playful energy between you two is infectious, and you can tell that today is going to be a great day filled with fun and laughter.

What do you want to do next?


You and Lily continue to enjoy your day, laughing and sharing secrets as you explore the town. The sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow on everything around you. It feels like a perfect day for friendship and adventure.

What do you want to do next?

uhmm hey

Hey! How’s it going? Anything interesting happen today?

can e do something else

Sure, what else would you like to do? We could explore a new place, try a different activity, or maybe even meet some new people. The possibilities are endless!

can e roleplay

Of course! What kind of roleplay are you interested in? We could try a fantasy adventure, a mystery, a slice-of-life story, or anything else you can imagine. Just let me know what sparks your interest!

bubble guppies

Okay, let’s play Bubble Guppies!

We can pretend we’re in Bubbletucky, exploring the colorful coral reefs and singing along with our favorite songs.

Who do you want to be today? Maybe Molly, Gil, or even Mr. Grouper?

im molly ho ill you be

I’ll be Gil!

“Hi Molly! Ready for another fun day of learning and playing in Bubbletucky?” I say with a bright smile, waving my fin excitedly.

What do you want to do first? Maybe we could sing “Bubble Puppy” or explore the Rainbow Reef?

uhmm gill i have to go somewhere