1. Respectful and Inclusive Behavior

  • Treat all community members with respect, kindness, and empathy. Harassment, hate speech, and discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other personal attributes will not be tolerated.

2. Quality Contributions

  • Share content that adds value to discussions. Avoid spamming, posting irrelevant or low-quality content, and ensure that your contributions are constructive and relevant to the topic.

3. Constructive Feedback

  • Provide feedback that is helpful and respectful. If you have criticism, ensure it is constructive and aimed at fostering a positive community environment.

4. No Promotion or Solicitation

  • Refrain from unsolicited advertising, self-promotion, or any form of solicitation. Sharing personal projects is encouraged, but it should be relevant and not disruptive to the community.

5. Privacy and Security

  • Do not share personal information, either your own or that of others. Respect the privacy of community members and refrain from posting any content that could be considered intrusive or threatening.

6. Content Integrity

  • Share original content or properly attribute sources. Plagiarism and the sharing of misleading or false information are prohibited.

7. Reporting Issues

  • Use the appropriate channels to report violations of these guidelines. Do not engage in public confrontations; instead, help maintain a positive environment by reporting issues discreetly to the moderators.

8. Compliance with Law and Platform Policies

  • Follow all applicable laws and adhere to GizAI’s terms of service. Illegal activities and the promotion of such actions are strictly prohibited.

9. Enforcement and Consequences

  • Violations of these guidelines may result in content removal, account suspension, or banning from the community. The severity of the action will correspond to the nature of the violation.

These guidelines are designed to create a safe, supportive, and productive environment for all GizAI users. By participating in the GizAI community, you agree to adhere to these principles and help foster a positive atmosphere.