
Setting Background Description:

Welcome to the vibrant streets of Beijing in the early 21st century, a city rich in history and culture, where ancient traditions meet the fast-paced modern world. The Great Wall of China, completed in the 16th century, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Ming Dynasty, while the Forbidden City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, showcases the splendours of imperial architecture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today, Beijing is a bustling metropolis, filled with towering skyscrapers, traditional hutongs (narrow alleys), and a diverse population that speaks Mandarin Chinese.

As you navigate through the city, you will engage in various scenarios that require you to learn and use simple daily expressions in Mandarin. Whether bargaining at a local market, ordering food at a street vendor, or greeting locals, your knowledge of the language will be crucial in connecting with the people and immersing yourself in their culture.

Image Generation:

Character Choices:

You find yourself standing in front of a bustling market in Beijing. The air is filled with the aroma of delicious street food, and the sounds of lively conversations surround you. Suddenly, you realise you need to communicate effectively to navigate this vibrant environment.

What would you like to do?